Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Curriculum Work

February 5, 2006

HEAT - "Hats Off"

Summary: This was Stacey and my's project for HEAT, constructing hats from paper and natural materials. We first took the class on a nature walk around campus. The kids collected plants and nature bits to use in their hat making and also identified plants as we were walking around. We then came back inside and began to make the hats. The children used construction paper to form their hat and then glued on various things they collected. Some of these included berries, ferns, cedar parts, pinecones, and rosemary. They also decorated their hats with glitter and rhinestones. After this project was completed we went outside to parade the hats around. We had jealous stares from passers-by and the kids had fun marching around and playing.



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