Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Presentation

I have dealt with a condition called "The Winter Blues" or Seasonal Affective Disorder for quite a while in my life. During Winter I consistantly feel depressed, unmotivated, unable to function as a normal person in society. For about 2 years I have remedied this problem with prescribed depression medication which dulls the depression but also dulls my creativity and passion for life. This Winter, inspired by my experience in Art, Environment and the Child, I decided that I would stop taking my medication and work on finding comfort and relief in myself and through nature.

Staying Healthy with the Seasons by Elson Haas offers a perspective on winter that I had never contemplated before. He states that winter is a time for internalization, rest, warmth, good foods, friends and staying home. This advice aided my healing greatly as it gave me a push to take a break from my active life and spend more time indoors, keeping warm and thinking, getting to know and take care of myself.

I also started using anti-depressive and anxiety herbs in my daily life. Oats have become a staple in my diet, Lavender and Skullcap a staple in my hygiene, pampering and rest. I have used Tai Ji and Yoga to cleanse my body of negative energies and to promote healthy flows throughout and have discovered points of stress and unhappiness, as well as resolutions to these issues through meditation.

My winter has been a season of hiberbnation, internalization and preparation for the spring of my life. I have found so many wonderful things to fulfill me, to feed my mind and soul and to inspire me further into my life journey.



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