Arts, Environment and the Child: Walking the Wheel of the Seasons

Project Reflections

Date Place Reflections
1.21.06 Home Yesterday I spent 4 hours working on advertising for the LNY. I took this position on with energy and I will complete it of course but I have to admit I had no idea it would be so difficult to advertise an event! I was online looking up local newspapers and then going to their sites and trying to find where I could email them about their events calendars and then I had to change the actual press release to fit their individual requirements and email them off. I will email the newspapers every few days to ensure that they put the event in their calendars.
2.1.06 Seattle and Olympia Yesterday a group from class went up to Seattle to tape a PSA for Northwest Afternoon. It was fun to be at the TV studio and be a member of the audience, it was just exhausting to be traveling in the car for 4 hours! A few days ago I did the whole research, adapt and email advertising process with radio stations in the area. Again it was a tedious process. I also went to the sites of the newspapers that I emailed and I didnt see any advertisements for LNY so I am concerned. It's is frustrating because I was on top of the emailing thing, resending the press releases to the newspapers and radio stations every few days but it seems like no newspapers have actually included it in their online calendars... I can only hope the radio stations have been sending the word out! I can see that I should have started this advertising thing about a month ago in order to be truly on top of it all and well promoted.
2.5.06 Evergreen The hat making project was a great success. I made a hat the night before and really had a great time using bits of nature that I had collected such as pinecone pieces and fern fronds. The whole "wearing nature" thing really made me feel more closely connected to nature and to winter. It was fun to connect my individuality to the outdoors and then to feel goofy and childlike and like a part of nature while disguised with my hat. I saw these emotions reflected with the class as well. Working wth the kids was fun because they are so creative. It seems like when we get older we aren't so open about our creativity, don't let our juices flow as much. It resonates from the children to the adults and soon we were all having a blast making the most outrageous, fabulous nature hats we could!
2.26.06 Evergreen I came to help with HEAT today and by the time I got to the classroom, it was all over. There has been alot going on in my life these past few weeks and as a result I let my schoolwork drop so I'm trying to get back on track with my hours and homework. I am volunteering with Synergy this coming weekend and I'm excited about that. I am also dreaming ideas about my garden and that's invigorating too.
3.18.06 Evergreen I have decided to become a psychologist, working with mental health patients in a holistic manner as inspired by this class. To try and gain perspective on what this job might look like, I volunteered some time with Bread and Roses to experience the social worker perspective on homelessness. My time there was spent working the front desk: answering the phone, distributing mail, phone messages and regulating distribution of laundry and shower vouchers. It was interesting to me in that was working with the public and was witnessing the kind of work that social workers are involved in, namely finding housing for the B&R consumers. I have to admit however, that I was quite disillusioned with the whole experience because I found that most of the time the B&R employees just sat around, in some way reduced to the state of laziness and loitering that so many of the B&R consumers have adopted. My work with the public was not in the manner that I would have chosen and as a result I decided not to remain at Bread and Roses as an intern but rather to find a more suitable place elsewhere.



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