What's happening week 3?
Tuesday 10-1
Bring these things with you to class:
1. Field Trip Waiver and Assumptions of Risks forms - filled out!
2. Homer AND Jung
3. Written answers to the rest of last week's reading workshop, How to Read a Text and your passage from the Take-Home assignment, Creating a Relationship with a Text.
We will have a reading workshop AND watch the rest of Yoga Unveiled.
NB: Van Drivers - be prepared to tell us you are qualified to drive!
Satya will pass out 5 X 8 cards.
Tuesday 2-5
Seminar on Homer
Wednesday 10-11:15
Yoga in CRC 116. Be prepared to enter the room at 10 am when Awareness is finished.
Wednesday 11:30-12:30
Guest Lecture in Recital Hall - Andrew Reece, Classicist. Our final formal conversation of Homer.
Thursday 10-5
Meet in parking lot C to board the bus. Be prepared to hand in your 5X8 card with a summary of the introduction to Homer on it.
We will travel to Aberdeen and board our two tall ships for a 3-hour sail. We should be back before the regular end of class time.
What to bring? Food! We'll be gone all day. Layered clothing, a hat, rain gear, comfortable shoes, sunscreen and a camera if you want it. Leave behind - ipods, cell phones, umbrellas, high heels and LARGE jewelry.
Good news - we can bring our own snacks and back packs if we want. We just need to keep it clean.
For more information, check out the web site:
To check the weather: (put in Aberdeen, Washington)
FINALLY - Terry and Cynthia will choose and order texts for winter quarter by the end of week 4. Our themes are: Fall: The Awakening,
Winter: Carifying, Spring: The Pursuit. If you are interested in suggesting program texts, please do the following:
1. Type or write the title on a piece of paper complete with a rationale for why you think the text would fit in our program. Give it to one of us at or before the retreat.
2. If you can (not required) bring a hard copy of the text to the retreat for us to examine.