A Beautiful Day

Chelsea H's picture
Submitted by Chelsea H on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 12:32pm.
“A Beautiful Day” 

My beautiful day was yesterday. It was the first Saturday in a long time that I didn’t have school, work, or any plans. I tried to think of a bunch of simple and relaxing things I could do that would still incorporate Seligman’s definition of the ‘full life’. This was the plan I came up with, however, I provided the flexibility to change plans if necessary.

  1. Sleep in (which for me is about an hour longer than I normally wake up for work)
  2. Wake up and leisurely start my day, cup of coffee, watch the news…
  3. Go out to lunch with a friend
  4. Take my dog out to the Lake Isabella park for a long walk and play time
  5. Come home and get done the things I always say ‘I’ll do it when I have time’ (organizing, go through my clothes, get some paperwork done)
  6. Sit outside and read a good book (not one for school just a book for pleasure)
  7. Meet up with my parents and have dinner
  8. Come home talk on the phone with my boyfriend (long distance)
  9. Watch a good movie
  10. Go to bed at a reasonable hour
 To some this sounds like an ordinary day but this is the kind of day I have waited to have for months. I was able to do all of it accept watch a movie. I ended up working on homework. This is not a bad thing though. I always get a sense of fulfillment from doing homework. I realized from this assignment that I need to make the time to have more of these days. I tend to “over book” myself especially on the weekends. I need to take more time to just slow down and relax. I also realized that I should try and incorporate this “full life” idea into my work week. I could try and use my signature strengths while at work or take a walk on my lunch break. Bottom line, taking the time to make the effort to make your day a little more gratifying is well worth our time.

Submitted by Delwin on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 10:42pm.


Sounds like a great day to me. Nice blend of time with self, family, nature and of course pets. I had a little different day but many of the same elements. From what I have read there is a common thread running through our classmates post. Must be one of those great minds think alike. I like the way you were able to list all the elements o a beautiful day. We owe ourselves more days like that. I find that if I take a little time for my self I do a better work. It is funny how the little things can make such a big difference eh? Thanks for sharing.


Karen Jones's picture
Submitted by Karen Jones on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 6:17pm.

Sounds like the perfect day to me. I love free “me time”.  This quarter I keep thinking about things I need to savor, its days like the one you described I definitely savor because they are few and far between with a busy schedule.

Submitted by susan w on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:17pm.

Susan L. Wagaman

Great way to spend a day...sleeping in, walking, talking to your boyfriend and I especially liked your choice of reading a book outside.  It must have been one of our nice days with no rain.  I agree with you that consciously thinking about making it a beautiful day really helps it to be so.  I also overbook myself.  It seems as if I have no days off.  This exercise made us do that and like you, it made me realize I need to do it more often.  I am glad your experience was a positive one.

Jeanne K.'s picture
Submitted by Jeanne K. on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 1:08pm.
Isn't it funny how when planning a "beautiful day" we are inspired to do very ordinary, relaxing things?  My day was very similar to yours.  Some alone time, a little outdoors, some reading for fun  and some time spent with those I love.  it's a bit scary how there is always something that can get in the way of having a full day to ourselves.  i too ended up doing homework but otherwise enjoyed just having a day filled with simple pleasures.