Activity 3 "Three Blessings" and Activity 5 "The Gratitude Letter"

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Submitted by Lisa on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 8:57pm.

Activity 3:  “Three Blessings”

Positive Psychology

Lisa Wilson


            I enjoyed doing this activity.  Usually I think about all that I am grateful for on my drive into work.  It relaxes me and makes me appreciate my life.  In the evenings as I am going to bed, I generally think of all that has happened during the day and most, of course, is the negative things that played out.  So when I started this activity it was nice going to bed thinking about what I am grateful for instead of what went wrong.  I found myself more relaxed as I prepared for bed and I seemed to fall asleep faster once I got into bed.  I did as the exercised stated by naming my positive event, then visualizing it, and finally saying the name over and over in my head.  This was all good but I must confess that I rarely dreamt about my positive event.  The majority of the mornings I awoke remembering my dreams but there were some mornings that I couldn’t even remember putting my head down on the pillow.  However, I did wake up many mornings in a good mood, well rested and ready to start my day. 

            On Saturday, I had a medical procedure done that caused discomfort and slight pain so when I went to bed that night I really focused on my positive event however when I woke up on Sunday morning I was in such discomfort that my mood was not one of happiness.  I was miserable and irritable.  I know this was due to the fact that I was not feeling well but I was optimistic when I went to bed that maybe my positive thinking would override my physical ailments.  I was a little too hopeful.  Sunday night was the same thing, Monday morning I woke up feeling the same as I had the day before and was still so uncomfortable that I didn’t even go into work.  I will admit though that I did try to focus on positive things throughout the day and that did indeed take my mind off of my discomfort. 

            Even though this activity only called for one week of participation, I have found that I am still going to bed every night thinking about what I am grateful for and focusing on the positive things that have happened that day.  I am getting a better night’s sleep and I am waking up each morning in a good mood.   This activity has become a routine for me and one that I believe I will continue to do in the future.     


Activity 5: Gratitude Letter


            My gratitude letter was to a friend of mine.  We have been friends for over twenty years.  In that time span I have never expressed my gratitude toward her.  I am not going to share the letter with the class because it is personal and it is something that I want to keep between her and I.   I will, however, tell you how it went. 

            I called my friend up and told her I needed to talk to her about something.  Of course she was concerned that something was wrong but I assured her there wasn’t anything the matter and that I just wanted to talk.  I was nervous driving to her house, but I was also happy to do this because she has been such a fantastic friend for such a long time.  When I got to her house we chit chatted for a few minutes then I pulled out my letter.  I told her that this was a school activity but it was something that was long over due.  I didn’t tell her what the activity was, I simply asked her to sit down and just listen.  When I began reading the letter her reaction was what I had expected…she became somewhat uncomfortable.  I know my friend cares for me deeply but she is not one to openly express her feelings.  Soon she began to cry.  She had lost her mother in December of this past year and it had been a very difficult time for her.  In my letter I touched upon not only our friendship but also what an amazing daughter she was to her mother and how it made me feel as I watched her take care of her mom.  It was almost too much for her to handle because she still mourns the death of her mom.

            After the tears were dried, she told me that she really appreciated my letter and that she would keep it forever.  I think that this simple gesture brought us even closer together.  She called me the next day to tell me that she was thinking of me and of the letter that I had written.  She said that she found herself smiling as she thought about the night before and how happy I had made her feel.  I feel happy that I did this and I think it will be a night that neither of us will forget.       

Submitted by susan w on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 4:03pm.

Susan L. Wagaman

I enjoyed your comments about the three blessings.  I too feel better at night when I think of positive...not negative (pretty obvious, huh?) and I would like to continue doing this every night.  I am sure over time it would change out perspectives.  Too bad it didn't take away all the pain of surgery. 

Your gratitude letter response made me cry.  I am sure your friend appriciated it so much.  You probably will never know how deep it has helped her, especially since loosing her mom such a short time ago.  I have never written a gratitude letter before this activity and I didn't even think of a friend.  I now realize how special that would be.  Thanks!