

Patricia S's picture
Submitted by Patricia S on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 9:09am.

Positive Psychology                                                                                          Patricia Sims

Forgiveness/Forgetting                                                                          02/28/08

A Beautiful Day

Patricia S's picture
Submitted by Patricia S on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 9:06am.

Positive Psychology                                                                                          Patricia Sims

“A Beautiful Day”                                                                                             02/29/08

You are Invited...

Kricket's picture
Submitted by Kricket on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 8:30am.
Positive Psychology Play


Brandon's picture
Submitted by Brandon on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 3:13pm.

            When I sat down to do this activity I came to two wonderful realizations. The first was that I realized I don’t really hold grudges (which I’d like to think is a good thing). Number two is that I need to start viewing my self as much more fortunate then previously thought, due to the fact that I don’t really have that many people in my life that need forgiving (on the grand scale this assignment seems to be referring to).

            As I began to reflect on whom I might want to try this forgiveness exercise out on I found it extremely hard to pick anyone at all. I suppose this means I’ve been really blessed throughout my life. When I tried to think of people that had transgressed upon me in some way or another the types of situation I came up with were so minor that I realized I had gone through this forgiveness process almost instantly.

"A Beautiful Day"

Submitted by Lacey on Wed, 02/27/2008 - 7:13pm.

Lacey  Graves


Activity 4 “A Beautiful Day”

1.       Help boyfriend’s mother watch grandchildren on the farm

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