Submitted by susan w on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 3:35pm.

Susan L. Wagaman

Wow, Beth!  I get the feeling you didn't like the book.  I agree that it is cognitive therapy wrapped up a little differently but I did like it because I felt it did work when I used it on myself and kids this last week.  I do agree that it won't deliver all that is least not quickly.  It takes time to change years of "beliefs" but I feel that the skills they taught, if used, could be helpful, especially as a "quick fix" when you suddenly feel deflated, angry, upset and aren't really sure why.  Again, though, it is cognitive therapy and nothing more.  I think it interesting that anytime Oprah gets involved in anything... it suddenly becomes the "new thing".  I had a friend last week notice the book I was reading and tell me that her friend bought it for her years ago(probably saw it on Oprah)because she LOVES IT and she said it changed her life.  My friend, on the other hand, liked it but felt that it wasn't easy to follow/learn, etc.  I agree with this.  Like I said in my blog I probably won't use the "long" version but only the "short" one.  Your blog was interesting and made me re-think my review of the book.  I will have to go back and notice all the claims they made.  I really didn't notice that they made such "outlandish" claims. 


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