Submitted by Jacob H on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 8:35pm.

Adam, in reading your activities it seems you have a significant desire and ability to express gratitude. It is encouraging that you are seeing a difference with the journaling since that can be such a useful tool. As is true with most things, the more we do something, the better we become at it, often until the behavior becomes automatic.

Your letter’s directness took me by surprise at first, but it quickly became apparent that it was genuine and both you and your friend benefited. Like you, I didn’t have a big tear filled reaction, but I did feel connected. I think your statement “if we wanted to we could do this type of thing anytime at all…” sums up so much of life - a small investment of time and effort can have significant results. The caveat (for me at least) is that we have to show self-discipline and put in the effort to get this reward.


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