Blessings and Gratitude

Lynn's picture
Submitted by Lynn on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 4:05pm.

My three blessings and the gratitude letter turned out to be closely related. I was asked to babysit my best friends 4 children this weekend while there mother was in an out of the area hospital. The task of watching four children, might seem daunting in itself, but add to that their ages; 6, 3, 2, 9 months. Well, I was confident of a full filled week-end. I planned to have activities that included homework for all (OK mostly for me). Then another good friend of my dashed my dreams by asking, “How many are in diapers?” This was definitely not in my plans, and the answer to the burning question is 3.

My three blessings concerned the planning of the babysitting. Everyone was excited about me coming and I was about the adventure. My gratitude letter will give a good explanation of why this meant so much to me I and dominated my thoughts. I concentrated on the children and our time together, but in the morning I did not have any recollection of dreaming at all. I woke up many times having panic attracts. I am sure this [happened because I am scheduled to appear in court this week, concerning the unpleasant events of the past years.My letter was extremely hard to read and for Mikey to hear. We both cried, but it was a wonderful experience.


Dear Mike,

I am writing this letter to tell you how much your friendship and support means to me. Throughout the past 2-years of our association, we not only developed an exceptional working relationship, you have become a confidant and mentor. We laugh at the many people who joke about our bantering over work related issues and ask if we are married. We butt heads because we share a common passion for what we believe in and the outcomes we expect for our clients. That passion is what has created our bond of mutual respect and friendship.

I have watched and listened to you build the G.E.T. program, watch it fall apart and then work hard towards building another program to assist ex-offenders and their attempt at successful re-entry. Watching the direction you, Pam and Mark are moving in made me aware of the necessity of this work. Witnessing your passion about these issues made me realize the importance of this work and the relationship it has on reducing victimization, which is my passion. Your inspiration is the reason I made the decision to seek a career in corrections and help offenders become successful after release into the community.

For the past two years you have listened to me while I worked through breaking away from a lethal relationship. You have helped me rebuild my life by listening to talk through my problems. You supported my decision to write, go to court and read my victim impact statement. You were hard on me when I doubted myself and the path I needed to follow. You are there for me now as I practice tough love with Zane and let him work on his recovery.

The friendship we have developed has turned into much more. You and Michelle have welcomed me into your family. You included me in your holiday celebrations and made me feel like part of your family. This means everything to me considering my own family does not welcome me into their lives or homes. 

I love you and Michelle and feel like an Aunt to your children. I want to thank you and Michelle for asking me to watch your children this week-end. It will be a wonderful adventure, with many stories to tell. They are so sweet and loving, and light up my life. I enjoy looking at their sweet faces all day long as I work and remember how much fun we had on Christmas. Considering me an option to watch them means everything to me.



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