3 Blessings

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 7:39pm.

3 Blessings 

            Not every day of my life is particularly great or packed with wonderful experiences. Some days just call for a stiffer drink than the night before. However, once I took the time to think back on what positive events actually happened throughout the day, it was clear that I had a lot more to be thankful for than I gave credit to. I have an unfortunate habit of letting one day slip into the next and before I know it weeks have passed by. Doing something as simple as “counting blessings” every night was a refreshing reminder of how comfortable my day to day life is. I’m not regularly faced with struggles such as racism, sexism, discrimination or any other kind of intolerances. I don’t live in poverty and hot water is always on tap. If my biggest problem is paying a digital cable bill or having enough money to go snowboarding, I think I’m doing just fine. This exercise reminded me of my circumstances and how they could easily be a lot worse. 

            A few nights over the past two weeks I tried to influence my dreams. However, I happened to get sick about 10 days ago. I didn’t realize it at first, but Nyquil has the unique ability to give me completely random dreams. Over the span of about one week, I managed to dream up things like my car getting stolen and then me going into a huge rage over it. I also dreamt up a scene between Ray Liota and Tony Soprano. Later I had a dream where I ran into a former co-worker who I haven’t seen for a year. None of which seemed to relate to what I was trying to dream about. I think I might have to try this activity when I’m not under the influence of a sleep aid.  


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