3 Blessings

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 7:39pm.

3 Blessings 

            Not every day of my life is particularly great or packed with wonderful experiences. Some days just call for a stiffer drink than the night before. However, once I took the time to think back on what positive events actually happened throughout the day, it was clear that I had a lot more to be thankful for than I gave credit to. I have an unfortunate habit of letting one day slip into the next and before I know it weeks have passed by. Doing something as simple as “counting blessings” every night was a refreshing reminder of how comfortable my day to day life is. I’m not regularly faced with struggles such as racism, sexism, discrimination or any other kind of intolerances. I don’t live in poverty and hot water is always on tap. If my biggest problem is paying a digital cable bill or having enough money to go snowboarding, I think I’m doing just fine. This exercise reminded me of my circumstances and how they could easily be a lot worse. 

            A few nights over the past two weeks I tried to influence my dreams. However, I happened to get sick about 10 days ago. I didn’t realize it at first, but Nyquil has the unique ability to give me completely random dreams. Over the span of about one week, I managed to dream up things like my car getting stolen and then me going into a huge rage over it. I also dreamt up a scene between Ray Liota and Tony Soprano. Later I had a dream where I ran into a former co-worker who I haven’t seen for a year. None of which seemed to relate to what I was trying to dream about. I think I might have to try this activity when I’m not under the influence of a sleep aid.  

Karen Jones's picture
Submitted by Karen Jones on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 6:53pm.

I felt the same way doing this intervention. We are so lucky when you get down to it. Hot water rules!!

Lauren's picture
Submitted by Lauren on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 5:24pm.
I had really weird dreams too when I tried the dream influencing part, but I wasn't on any drugs. I actually tried a dream influencing thing kind of like this in high school, and the only trend I've noticed is that the dreams are especially weird and I can remember them better. Or maybe they only seem weirder because I remember them. I'd love to know how your second attempt goes.

Chelsea H's picture
Submitted by Chelsea H on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 4:59pm.
Your posting is so true. it is so easy to let day by day slip into the next and not realize that you are blessed each day by simple things such as hot water, enough food to eat and a roof over your head. I think that is one of the things I truly did get out of this activity. I too struggled to conjure up dreams that had to do with the blessing that I recognized. I think it is a skill that must be aquirred to be able to focus soley on the postive as you fall asleep and not let the subconcious B.S get in the way... also true statement with the Niquil, it will affect your dreams no matter how hard you concentrate on the good. lol.

Jeanne K.'s picture
Submitted by Jeanne K. on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 2:53pm.


I couldn't agree with you more.  I had things really out into perspective the other day when I was speaking with someone I work with and who is a dear friend who is on SSI and he mentioned how the price of eggs has increased by 40 cents recently.  He went on to explain that his grandfather had told him that you could tell when things were about to get really bad finacially for everyday people when the price of eggs increased.  At first it all sounded a bit strange but when I put it into perspective it made much more sense.  Suppose you are on SSI and you get 600$ a month-you live in subsidised housing which is say 400$ a month.  That leaves $200 for bills and food.  When you have maybe 25-30 dollars a week top spend on food-you notice a 40 cent increase on eggs. But many of us (including myself) wouldn't even blink an eye...and we are lucky for that.

I am thankful that I don't have to worry about the price of eggs, that I can easily spend 4 dollars on a latte and that I am strong enough physically and mentally to be able to work and support myself.  This exercise served as a wake up call to notice how blessed we are by the things we take for granted.

Submitted by Lacey on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 11:26am.
I agree that it is all too easy to slip through each day without realizing how great the day really was, especially when the day is so full that the positive seems to blend into the negative.  I found it really comforting to write down my blessings each night as well, simply by knowing that I had to record three things made me better able to enjoy the beauty of those things as they were happening.            Those were some crazy dreams, I wish I could remember my dreams...maybe I should try some of that Nyquil..that sounds great