Submitted by Adam on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:56pm.

Hey Jacob,

I enjoyed reading about your beautful day "process" because it speaks to my life experience as well. At the beginning of a day, I often make a much too long to do list, which I later end up regretting- simply becasue it was feasible in the first place.  It seems our culture is adept at creating undue psychological stress for ourselves in the form of business and doing, rather than attending to the quality of experience- Being.  
Anyways, I was happy to read that you let yourself be spontaneous and were able make it up as you went along.  For me, when I give myself some room for error, I almost aways do a better job because I'm not caught in the paralysis of anticipating some mistake.  Also I dig that you did waste time fretting over unneccessary word choice stuff-  uncontribed verbage is always a breath of fresh air.  Great post



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