Taurell Reboulet's picture
Submitted by Taurell Reboulet on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 8:02pm.
My EMP experience was really great. I was very optimistic even before the field trip had even started. I had been to the EMP before but it had been quite awhile since I had gone.  Which made this trip seem almost new. I started the day off by getting up and looking outside to see what the weather looked like and to see if I needed a jacket, I couldn’t tell by just stepping outside so I checked the weather report and it said it would be sunny and warm, so I went with a semi warm outfit of a vest and long sleeved shirt. Then I headed to Starbucks to get my day kick started.                          From Starbucks I headed strait to school, I got there just as every one was starting to decide where they were going to sit, I jumped on it and got in the back of the bigger van with the majority of the class. After we had got on the road it tuch awhile for my caffeine to kick in, when it finally did I started to talk to some of the other students about what graduate schools and programs they where interested in. By the time we had got to Seattle I was stoked about the EMP and being able to spend the afternoon with the positive psychology class.                        Once there I had a little to wait for Mark and the other students to arrive so I started working on the assignment for the EMP trip. I could only find a few of them on the list to fit the ride down but it was nice to be able to put something down. Once inside and very one was all together we got the group picture, which turned out alright considering I usually look like I just got out of bed in most pictures. Once we got our tickets and where able to start wandering I decided I would spend most of my time just seeing were the day would take me. like I said earlier I had been to the EMP before so I was just wanting to be as open to suggestion and random situations that came my way. The first thing I did was just stand in front of the hugh guitar sculpture and listen to the random music it made, I had done this one other time but this time I just relaxed and let my mind wander while listen, imaging how the creator had made the sculpture and his thoughts that lead him to do it. From there I headed up stares to check out what the others where doing. I ran in to Brandon, Lisa, Lauren and Jill waiting to do the on stage, they asked if I would join, so going with the flow I did. Once inside we all made a foul of our self’s but had a good time doing it. Then I checked out the American Samba area, which was really interesting because it was a part of the music history I was not very familiar with. Before heading down stares I sat down and wrote down some of the things that where on my assignment page. Once down stares I headed to the local history area, I loved seeing all the great music that has come out of the NW.  Around noon I started looking for others to see if people where wanting to get some lunch, I saw a few people heading for the doors and fallowed to see were they where heading. Down stares a group of students had gathered to head down to the Italian restaurant for lunch. This was to me the best part of the trip, it was so much fun hanging out with some of the other students and Mark just enjoying each others company. The food was good but it wasn’t the high light of the lunch break. The conversations and the mood made the  exsperance.  The ride back was very lad back, most every one was still in a great mood and the sun was shinning high, by the time we got back most people looked pretty worn out but happy.  As whole this was one of the best school trips I have ever been on. 


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