Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 4:02am.

I appreciated your comments about prayer.  It is a good way to check in on our perceptions.  It's nice to know we're not alone, and that God is always willing to listen and give us either a confirmation or a "better check that out a little more" answer.
I have used the comment, "this too shall pass."  Also, "What doesn't kill me, will make me stronger."  If we can keep a positive attitude of hope in our trials, we will get through them a lot easier - and everyone has trials.
I like how the Japanese take exercise breaks at their workplaces.  I like much better the idea of taking dance breaks.  Much more creative and joyous.  There is actually a therapy group in town that just gets together once a week to dance.
I also liked your "stop and smell the roses" philosophy.  Even if you get to that destination, what's the point if you don't have another destination to go to?  it is the life journey that has to be consciously savored.

p.s. Sue-Marie, You made my day with the humorous t-shirt quote.


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