Brandon's picture
Submitted by Brandon on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 3:27pm.

Jill- What a great paper! I had no idea you worked for the prosecutor’s office. The work you’re doing with the CAB group sounds like it must be very draining but very rewarding all at the same time. I have always admired people who have the stamina to work (and really connect) with at-risk-youth. There are so many amazing kids out there that are being brought up in some really bad situations. It’s wonderful to know that there are people like you really doing what they can to make a difference.

            In response to your first activity I beginning notice a common theme among a lot of the class in regard to exercise as a mood lifting activity. It seems that for most of us working out or something of the like is what we most commonly turn to for a boost in mood. It’s been nice to see so many people citing excersise as a main force of positive change given the statistics on how unhealthy most of the population of our country lives. As always great stuff, and I’ll see you Friday. 



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