Lisa's picture
Submitted by Lisa on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 9:50am.
Brandon - I am glad to read that you have figured out a way to make your day more productive.  I agree with you 100% that exercise is definitely a mood lifting activity and I also engage in exercise several times a week.  As to your mood calming exercise - I would think that your mind is already calm after waking up from a good nights sleep, but I am not critizing you for your activity what I think would be interesting is how you calm your mind after a long evening working at the bar.  I used to work as a bartender for many years and it was very hard for me to fall asleep after my shift when I got home at 3 or 4 in the morning.  So what do you do?  Watch TV? Read a book?  Generally after a long night of running around being constantly busy - your mind is still racing when you leave work.  It seems to me you would benefit more if you found an activity to help you before you went to sleep.  I know Mark told us he does some technique to help him fall back asleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night - maybe, once he tells us what it is, it will be something that will benefit you.  Now I realize I may be jumping the gun and you may not have any difficulty calming your mind once you leave work,  I don't want to assume that you do - I just remember how it was for me when I worked nights.  Anyway, I enjoyed your activities and look forward to seeing you in class on Friday. 


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