Mark A. Hurst PhD's picture
Submitted by Mark A. Hurst PhD on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:48pm.


Your elevator ride seems to combine many of the things that are correlated with life satisfaction; it appears your running assists with your intrapersonal life (self-talk, flow, the signature strengths of self-control and persistence) and enjoying your children fills the interpersonal aspect. It makes me think about Hahn's (the founder of Outward Bound) comment that our children suffer from the "misery of unimportance." It would be interesting to see if Frederickson's broaden and build theory would apply to the positive emotion between parent and child.

I also found your comments on interpersonal engagement and the experience of pain interesting in your second exercise. 

And would all you people stop taking so many candlelight baths. There's only so much wax and water in the world, you know. : )



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