Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 3:11am.
Wow, Chelsea, this is an extremely well-written, comprehensive commentary on the book.  I sense you are a person who takes personal responsibility for your decisions; that is a major theme I see in your report of the book.  I believe one of the keys is setting your own personal goals, pursuing your sense of meaning and purpose, and balancing your own needs with those of others.  I zoned in on many of the quotes that you did.  Resilience is one of my favorite words.  I see this in so many people around me, children and adults.  Life throws a lot at every person, and it never ceases to amaze me how well most people come through their trials, and how much stronger and empathetic they become.  Choosing to make the best of what you get will always be a good thing to do, but choosing to consciously take action will make life even better.


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