Jill Story's picture
Submitted by Jill Story on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 6:24pm.

Hi Susan,

 You did a wonderful job at staying with your activities. Very good self-control! I am one not to procrastinate, but for some reason during the past couple weeks it seems as if there has been no time. It came down to the last few days before all of the homework was to be done and I was ultimately stressed out. After reading a lot of these blogs...I think there were a bunch of us feeling the same way!

But, I've got to hand it to you! You did it! You stayed with the original plans (date night and your workout) you followed through and conquered. Good job!

As much as I love to work out...because I know how it makes me feel...I haven't been able to. My time is absorbed. I just need to make the time! I need to find a good balance.

Keep it up Susan...you are almost there!



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