Do Unto Others

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 9:33pm.

Activity #2

Do Unto Others 

            One thing that I’ve slacked on for the last year is spending time with my parents. I moved out a little over a year ago, and my time spent back at home has been limited. Although my dad understands, my mother has found it a little bit harder to deal with. In an effort to do unto others, I invited my parents over last weekend for some pizza and football. It was nice catching up and having them over to my house. My dad got to eat and watch football (two loves of his life) and my mom got to visit with me and my girlfriend.

            Later that week, I stopped by unannounced for a surprise visit. Both my parents were home and seemingly happy to see me. I got tiling advice from my dad and groceries from my mom. No matter what, my mom won’t let me leave their house empty handed.

            Although it may seem like an insignificant activity, it’s really not. In my mind, I’m always too busy for a visit with my parents. In all actuality however, I’m never too busy for my parents. It was a refreshing reminder of how much I love them and that I need to spend more time in their company.

Submitted by Delwin on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 11:12pm.

Jeremy I have to tell you that as both a son and a father I find your post very moving. I find this act anything but insignificant. I know first hand how important it can be. My Mother passed about twenty years ago. For the last ten years of her life I neglected our relationship. At the time I thought I had justifiable “reasons”. I applaud you for your action. Today I am much better about keeping in contact with the people I care about. Thank you for reminding me to call my daughter it has been a couple weeks she live in Arizona. Keep up the good work you will not regret it. But I am sure you know this. Delwin

Chelsea Moore's picture
Submitted by Chelsea Moore on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 10:05pm.



As I’ve grown older and become more independent, I’ve also found it hard to spend time with family. Remember the quote that Mark shared with us by Sister Pregean. She said “watch what you do to see what you actually believe.” It reminds me that no matter how often I tell people about the importance of family, or try to convince myself that this is something I believe, I can never truly believe it unless I actually spend time with my own family. I spent time with my mom for my “Do Unto Others” activity and I agree that it’s a good reminder of the way life should really be spent – in the company of the people you love and who love you back!

