Lisa's picture
Submitted by Lisa on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:13pm.

Positive Psychology

Field Trip to EMP

Lisa Wilson

            I had such a great time in Seattle and exploring EMP.  I had the pleasure of my daughter’s company during this field trip which made the day even more enjoyable.  When I think about concepts that we have learned this quarter, positive emotions and positive communities stood out for me on this day. 

            I was happy when I woke up just knowing I was off to Seattle for a field trip.  How fun is that?  The weather was outstanding and the traffic up to EMP was unbelievably smooth.  I picked Jill up along the way and we had a nice conversation to pass the time away as we traveled north.  When we got to Seattle we found a parking spot right away, and to top it off, it was free parking! 

            Once we got into EMP and began our adventure I noticed how intrigued people were with the displays and the interactive instruments.  I overheard people talking about different things that reminded them of a time in their past, making me realize EMP was not only about exhibiting history, it also displayed memories. 

            The time spent in EMP flew by.  I had a lot of fun with Brandon, Lauren, Taurell and Jill as we performed “I love Rock-n-Roll,” while my daughter was horrified as she watched me from outside.   It was a good time. 

            Throughout the exhibits I routinely saw the wonderment in people’s eyes, as well as the nostalgia as they looked upon the attractions.  Their amazement and appreciation of what was before them was never ending.  A person can not help but feel good as they wander through the building.  It is truly an amazing display of art and musical history.

            For lunch, Jill, my daughter and myself went to the Seattle Center to get a bite to eat.  This was the highlight of my day.  There was yo-yo competition going on inside the center.  The place was dancing with excitement.  Children were everywhere and they were having so much fun.  Their laughter filled the atmosphere.  I immediately felt my self smile as we entered.  Once we got our meal and found a table to sit, we put our sights on center stage as the performers began their yo-yo routines.  It was amazing!  Each competitor had two yo-yo’s going at a time.  They were swinging them around their heads, between their legs, throwing them in the air and never once getting the two tangled up.  I ate my lunch in awe and every other sentence was “Did you see that?”  “Oh my gosh, did you see that?”  The audience around me was also very impressed with these lads.  After each performance, we exploded with applause and cheers of enjoyment. 

            Even as the performances were going on, I noticed families sitting, laughing with one another, fathers chasing after their small children, and couples holding hands as they strolled along.  The center was overflowing with positive emotions.   I was so glad we chose to go there for our lunch break.

            After leaving the Seattle Center we headed back into EMP to visit the science fiction portion.  At one point I realized Jill was not around the area with me and my daughter.  So we decided to stay where we were and wait for her.  Within a few minutes my cell phone rang and I saw it was Jill calling for what I thought was…”Where are you?”  I found her just around the corner from where we were and she was with two people I didn’t recognize, but I soon found out who they were.  It was her nephew and his biological father, who her nephew was meeting for the first time.  Jill was so excited to have run into them and they (her nephew and his dad) looked so happy to be together.  It was such a powerful moment.  I know they will not remember who I was but I will never forget them….I just kept thinking to myself how would I feel meeting my father for the first time….it was an extraordinary moment.

            The drive home was just as enjoyable as the ride up.  Traffic once again was good and Jill and I talked the whole way back to her home.  After we dropped Jill off, my daughter thanked me for taking her along and said she had a great time as well.

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 10:01pm.

Yeah your daughter was pretty horrified. It was interesting that you noticed people rehashing some old music memories at EMP. I've got no experience with music so I totally missed that observation. It's funny how we all had a great time but I hardly ever take to time to think about what made it so great. Thanks for a good write-up and reminding me of all the things to be grateful for.

Patricia S's picture
Submitted by Patricia S on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 2:24pm.

It was very nice to meet your daughter.  When you said she was "horrified" watching you perform, it really took me back to how mortified I used to be by my mother's actions.  I guess it's part of the "human development" process."


I enjoyed the yo-yo competition also, but like you, part of any going-out experience for me is watching the other people who are watching the event.  People-watching is one of my favorite pastimes.


It has been great being in so many classes with you Lisa; you are always positive.  I have enjoyed learning with you.

Lauren's picture
Submitted by Lauren on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 1:32pm.
I had a really great time with you guys at EMP.  The most powerful memory I have of that day was  when we were waiting in line  for the  On  Stage  activity, and you were trying to convince your daughter  to go in with us  and she was  , like you said, horrified that we were going to do something so ridiculous. That totally took me back to when I was around that age and felt that way. It was just such a rush of memories and emotion. The best way I can describe it is that I "relived" the emotional journey that I have experienced over the years and all these different snippets of thoughts sort of solidified into a cogent idea. So, thanks for that. Sorry about the cheesiness of this post!

Submitted by Delwin on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 11:24am.


I really can relate to the nostalgia aspect of EMP. Many of the groups I was in the sixties and seventies where represented. I missed the Yo-Yo demonstration it sounds like it was great. I think it is great that you brought your daughter with you. I am glad she enjoyed it. I never made it to the science fiction portion of EMP guess I have a reason to go back would love to take my grandson with me next time. Though I did not get to witness Jill family reunion I will not soon forget the story. I really enjoyed reading about your experience for one thing every time I read what someone else wrote it reminds me of what a good time I had. Thanks Delwin