EMP and the Beautiful Day

Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 3:31am.
This adventure was so cool!  I haven’t been on a field trip since my kids were in elementary school.  I always enjoy traveling (curiosity and interest in the world is my second top strength), and I got to do it with a great bunch of people.  The day was a beautiful one (awe at nature).  Everyone was in a good mood and looking forward to the day (zest).  Sue was a wonderful van hostess making sure we were all comfortable and showing us how we could each regulate the temperature for our spots (kindness).  I expressed gratitude that she volunteered to drive; she was generous to do so.  She made us laugh and egg her on when she raced the other van (playfulness).  This brought back memories of the days I was a Girl Scout leader, and we would try to be the first one to make it to the campsite.  I turned up the heat and was soon fast asleep (authenticity).  I have the best naps in cars.  We arrived at the Experience Music Project, and everyone was buzzing and giving direction on where to go (social support).  Our tour guide, Victor, was bright, enthusiastic and good at welcoming us.  He had an ease with the crowd, and it seemed to me he had the gift of leadership. I had been to the EMP before, and knew we would be surrounded by creativity.  I was happy to be there even if it was a repeat (happiness set point). Since I had not seen the science fiction museum, that is where I spent most of my time.  Most everyone else had gone to the music section, so it was nice to see Jacob when he came along.  It was fun to be reminded of shows that I used to love as a kid, Lost in Space, My Favorite Martian, and Star Trek.  I’m not a big movie watcher, but I saw a couple that looked interesting – The Matrix and Bladerunner.  There were two things I really enjoyed.  I love history, and there was a history timeline in the Sci Fi museum, though I’m not really sure how it related, except maybe to point out where we had come from and how long it took to get the technology we have nowadays, and how creative people have been (perspective).  Science Fiction has always looked to the future, and many of the concepts and technologies shown in Sci Fi flicks have come to pass.  Sci Fi has also embraced bravery in exploration and discovery.  The best part was the film on the glassblower, and his glass spaceships displayed in their own private room.  How creative is that?  I have never seen glass molded in such a way.
I asked someone what time it was, and found it was way after lunchtime.  I took off through the streets of Seattle, enjoying the big city atmosphere.  I passed two Subways, hoping to find one of those gems with local character and flavor.  Ah, success; I found wonderful deli and bakery, The Machrina, and sat with my delicious sandwich and fudge-cherry tart at a sidewalk table, enjoying the sunshine pouring down on my face, and watching the people walking by.  There was the cutest little toddler across the street, trying very hard to do her own thing despite her mother herding her away from the street (coping with the negative?).  I sauntered back and took a quick run through the music section of the EMP.  I then came across a group in the little room off the entrance, and enjoyed talking with them about their experiences that day.    John, Chelsea, and Lacey showed bravery and playfulness in dressing up in wild kid rocker costumes that were too small and giving us a show with the fake drums and guitars.  The perfect ending to the day was when the duck bus came along as we were waiting for our vans, and we waved and Chelsea jumped up and down and whooped cheerfully at the passengers, who enthusiastically cheered and waved in response.  I got to know Stephen a little better on the van ride home, and found we had some interests in common (Connectedness).   He remarked that he had a really great day.  I am happy when people have a good experience, and this seemed to be true for everyone that went on this field trip.

Submitted by Lacey on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 9:48am.
I may have shown bravery by dressing up and putting on that show, but I think you showed it too when you vertured off for lunch into the streets of seattle.  maybe it's just because I'm younger and inexperienced, but that would scare me!!!   It sounds like you had a wonderful day...like I feel much, if not all of the class did. I like the way you posted your response with all of the points of the day and how they tied into the list of strengths from class...very creative.