Gratitude Letter

Submitted by susan w on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 3:08pm.
Gratitude letter My feelings during the composing of the letter:

The experience of writing the gratitude letter was very interesting.  I did not think it would be so emotional.  As I was writing the letter I began to cry remembering how much Jeff means to me.  It is strange that I can go about my life and not consciously think about the reasons I am so thankful for my husband, Jeff.  When I had to write it in words I realized he is much more important to me than I thought, even though I knew he was I didn’t realize how much and in so many ways.  Since I am the type of person who prefers to talk things out I would not have chosen a letter.  I would have just wanted to “tell” him why I am grateful for him.  Now I see that writing can be much more powerful than speaking.  I think I need to do more of it, especially when I am feeling grateful.  I am thinking that I would like to do this for each of my children and my parents.  It is strange to me to think that it takes writing it down to see everything.  When I was writing the letter more and more ideas came to mind but I didn’t write everything because it won’t all fit in a short letter…29 years together is a long time to thank someone.  It was a very positive experience and helps me to love and appreciate Jeff even more. 

Jeff’s response to the letter:

Surprise!  He had no idea that I was going to do this and like I stated above, I don’t usually write, I talk, with the exception of b-day, anniversary and Christmas cards but those are usually just a few sentences about why I appreciate him.  Therefore, he was surprised.  Since I gave it to him on Valentine’s Day I think it had even more meaning.  We went off by ourselves and read the letter.  Jeff really appreciated it and he said it meant a lot to him.  I think he was not only surprised by the letter but also by some of the specific examples I gave in the letter.  He said he did not realize that I had noticed those things or that they meant a lot to me.  Jeff was very thankful and I was very glad that I had chosen to write the letter to him.  It is interesting to me that I had never thought of this before!  Since I “tell” Jeff often how thankful I am for him I guess I just never felt the need to write it down.  Now I see how meaningful it is for the person receiving the letter and maybe even more meaningful for the person writing the letter.  I also began to realize that Jeff is much better at writing me letters and telling me why he is thankful for me then I think I am to him.  I have actually realized over the years that Jeff is a little more of a romantic than I am.  This fact has surprised me, but because of this, I think this letter meant even more to Jeff since I don’t usually do this. 

For the future, like I stated above, I would like to continue this practice of a gratitude letter to those who have been and are an important part of my life.  I would like to begin with all of my children and to my parents.  I am thankful I am taking “Positive Psychology” since I would have never thought to do this on my own.  

Jill Story's picture
Submitted by Jill Story on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 6:44am.

Hi Susan,

 Wow, thanks for sharing your experience. Yes, I do believe words written on paper are much more powerful than thoughts. One can always return to a letter and reread and recall the memory of such. How amazing! The thought of writing your children as well is wonderful. Something that can be cherished for life.


Submitted by Delwin on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 7:42pm.


I do not enjoy putting words to paper but have to admit that it does have power. I to was surprised how reading my letter effected me. Twenty nine years congratulations that kind of success is no accident. I to have other people in my life I feel deserve a letter. It is a gift that is both affordable and priceless. Thanks for sharing your experience.


Chelsea Moore's picture
Submitted by Chelsea Moore on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 10:18pm.


What a wonderful thought to read your gratitude letter on Valentine's Day. I would definitely say that was a romantic move! Smile I too think that writing is a great way to express your feelings, especially if you have a hard time getting your thoughts together like I do! It's always been more meaningful when someone has taken the time to actually write something rather than just telling me because I believe writing takes more effort. It's also nice to be able to have a record of the special moments in our lives.
