Gratitude Letter

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Sun, 02/17/2008 - 8:10pm.

Gratitude Letter 

            This was an interesting activity. The more I thought about it, I realized that I’ve never written a letter for someone and then actually read it to them. It felt a little strange writing a letter knowing that I would soon have to read out loud to that person. However, once the “activity” was fully under weigh, the awkwardness wore off.

            Although there are plenty of people in my life to be grateful for, there were only a few who I considered writing this letter to. The contents are irrelevant, but the experience is what I’ll remember. As for the person this letter was intended, well they didn’t exactly see it coming. I was nervous but I’m not really sure why. Maybe it was because I didn’t know if they would appreciate it, or maybe because they might think it was cheesy. Once I got over the fear, I told myself that “you won’t know until you try it”- and so I did.

            As I sat this person down, I could see the unsure look in their eye. In an effort to lighten the mood, I told them, “don’t worry, it’s nothing bad”. I think it helped, but only a little. When I finished reading the letter, I could tell that they appreciated that I appreciated them. It was a really great experience for both of us. When it was all over, I felt better about myself and the small contribution I make to this world and the people in it. It made me a little sad though, when I thought about how this person probably doesn’t realize how great they are and how much they mean to the people in their life. I can only hope that my gratitude letter helped just a little in them realizing how important they really are.

Lisa's picture
Submitted by Lisa on Tue, 02/19/2008 - 9:04pm.
Jeremy - I understand how you felt, I also felt nervous but when it was over, I too thought it was a great experience for me and my friend.  I guess we assume people know what they mean to us, but when we actually tell them our feelings, the realization is overwhelming.   Thanks for sharing.

Mark A. Hurst PhD's picture
Submitted by Mark A. Hurst PhD on Mon, 02/18/2008 - 11:49pm.
At least you did it for this person Jeremy, even if no one else ever does. You will be the "teacher that made the difference" for so many kids when you go into teaching. I feel very proud to have you as a student of mine (you are wise, funny, and kind), and i know you will go on to touch many lives in the minute particulars.

Brandon's picture
Submitted by Brandon on Mon, 02/18/2008 - 4:19pm.
Sorry that headline really has nothing to do with this post but I thought you'd like it. Any ways... Good stuff. I also had the same hesitation when I first went to write my letter. I liked writing it but then I thought, "man, now I have to read this out loud." in the end though, it was a good experience. I'm glad it went well for you also.