Taurell's Three Blessings

Taurell Reboulet's picture
Submitted by Taurell Reboulet on Sat, 02/16/2008 - 5:44pm.
The three blessings activity was hard for me at first because I would always forget to write down my blessing at the end of the day. It tuck till the third day to get in to the grove of it. The first few days the things that I would put down as blessings where pretty big things, having good health, family, friends, having a car, and being able to go to college. As the days went on I started to put down smaller and smaller things. Having a soft pillow socks and tooth paste, leisure activities. Things that I had taken for granted I started looking at in a whole new light.  I found myself wondering about how privileged I am as an American middle class white male.  There is so much that people take for granted. I had similar experiences when returning from traveling in Nicaragua and later from Thailand. There are so few people that really take the time to stop and count there blessings let alone write them down daily.  It’s so strange to think about all the things and people that are there to help use, but because of the culture that we live most youth feel it is their right not a privilege.  

Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 3:46am.

It is so true that people take things for granted.  That is exactly the point of this exercise - to stop and really appreciate the good things going on in our lives.  I see unhappiness in the youth who feel things are their right; when they don't get what they want, they get angry.  It's much better to concentrate on blessings.  You are fortunate to have been able to travel to other countries.  There is nothing like spending time in another culture to make you examine, and quite often appreciate, your own.  I have a friend from Thailand, and the life she had there was no picnic.  We have so much here in the good old U.S. of A. and there is so much privilege we have become spoiled.  The ones who realize that are the ones who share and create opportunities to help others - which increases everyone's happiness, including their own.  Good insight in your blog.