The Most Wonderful Monday of the Year

Submitted by Adam on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 1:21pm.



Yesterday, Monday March 3 was perhaps the most fulfilling day of the year for me thus far. 

I woke up knowing that I had to get this beautiful day project “out of the way”, so in that sense I truthfully had low expectations for the exercise.  But what transpired was one of those very rare “seamless days” where one positive experience led flawlessly to the next, steadily gaining momentum.  Halfway through my day I could help but feel that the whole universe was conspiring for my happiness and wellbeing.  Because of my affinity for detail and superfluous flowery descriptions, I skip the play by play rendition and bullet point the main positive events in chronological order.

  • Breakfast- a deliscious bowl of granola and yogurt, spirulina smoothie and some authentic Indian masala chai tea.  For some reason it was particularly enjoyable for me to eat alone in silence and gaze out the window.
  • Talked with my close friend Erin on a bus ride downtown- Erin is a very close friend who deeply understands me and inspires me to dream big.  On this particular day she helped me see that my dream of participating in a year-long massage program at the Heartwood Institute ($25,000 tuition) was entirely feasible.
  • (Downtown) Picked up my new contact lenses which I have been waiting for-  Contacts normally give me very dry eyes and make me irritable, but these special lenses allow for much more oxygen and breathing- so this was very exciting. 
  • (Downtown) Deposited some checks at the bank and found out I had an extra $200 in my account that I hadn’t known about-finding money, always a joyous occasion.
  • Housing availability at the Glen- I’ve been dying to move out of my on campus housing but I thought that this late in the quarter all of the vacancies in The Glen (where I wanted to move to) would be taken up.  But since this was supposed to be my lucky day I figured I’d give it a shot.  Talking to the assistant manager, she told me they had one two-bedroom left, at a significantly lower cost than what the school has been scamming me/us for.   I looked at the place, and it’s absolutely perfect for my vision-a definite upgrade!  Not only that, but the place is right next door to my very close friend Rachael.  This news made me absolutely euphoric and high with giddy.
  • Rock Climbing and Gym- I knew it would be crucial to my day to exercise, so I went to the CRC.  I spent some time in the climbing wall and conquered some routes I had previously been unable to do.  Then I worked out.  This was a supreme confidence and self-efficacy booster. 
  • Sauna Experience- I had a fascinating spiritual experience while meditating in the sauna after the workout.   Very hard to put words on, but I will say that from out of no where currents of powerful kundalini energy shot through my body, and the next thing I knew my whole body was pulsating.  My mind went into a very altered state of consciousness something similar to the way that psychedelics can deconstruct one’s perception of reality.  The body sensations were something similar to that of orgasm.
  • Spent time with my sort-of girlfriend Eli- Things have been very up and down in this relationship lately.  She currently has a broken her collar bone which is very painful for her, but also caused some adversity in our relationship dynamics as well.  But anyways, by this time in the day, I was feeling so high from the various positive events that I knew I had to hangout with her while I was in this space.  Sure enough, our connection was easy and lovely.
  • Took a nap- so much euphoria had me strangley strung up and tired out, so when I recognized this I gave myself the gift of a nap.  Priceless.
  • Cleaned my room- increased my overall sense of satisfaction.
  • Did Laundry- Fresh clothes, soft and warm from the dryer… I know I’m going overboard here, but it was all so wonderful, even the minor things.
  • Eat Soup and Macaroni dinner with friends- It was wonderful to share dinner.
  • Reiki Healing with Eli’s Mom-  Because Eli broke her collar bone, her Mom has been staying and taking care of her.  Her mom Nancy is an energy worker and so am I (amateur status) and so we did a joint healing together on Eli.  This was wonderful experience, which I felt deepened my relationship to both of them.


So there you have it.  It was a truly wonderful day that happened quite spontaneously.  Yet at the same, I know that my optimistic vision and positive intention had a great influence on the events that took place.  Looking back, I think what was particularly important in catalyzing the sequence of events was that I got a jump on the day by going downtown and doing the errands.  Having completed them I felt good, and this sense of self-motivation and intention grew stronger to the point where things just started to unfolding effortlessly and flawlessly. 

            While I know that this quality of smooth is inevitably transient, I do think that it was influenced by my over-arching conviction that no matter what—come hell or high-water I was going to have myself a happy day.  Analyzing this, I think the conscious intention to be happy and enjoy oneself is and important factor in well-being. 

            I feel very grateful for being a part of this Positive Psychology class because while these principles of “the good life” aren’t new to me, thinking about them and practicing does seem to make all of the difference.









Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 6:36pm.
I think you hit on it near the end of your writing – you made up your mind you were going to have a beautiful day.  You noticed the things that were good about it, had a positive attitude, and took some chances.  I wonder if some minor annoying things happened that you ignored because you chose to see the positive and were not going to let the small stuff ruin your day.  I’m glad you got the apartment you wanted.  Surroundings you are happy with can go a long way to helping you have more good moods.   I, too, am a fan of fresh laundry out of the dryer.  I used to throw some blankets in there on winter evenings and then pass them out to my kids while we were together in the living room.  Very cozy!  I started that tradition after my baby girl was born, and the nurse put her in my arms and laid heated blankets on us.  I learned then how good that felt.Wouldn’t it be great if we could exercise and have a nap everyday?  Simple pleasures are the best, all the little things that make you smile and glow, all the things you know, life’s simple pleasures are the best, are the best, in all the world.  (It’s a song for those of you too young to have heard it.)

Chelsea Moore's picture
Submitted by Chelsea Moore on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 9:30pm.


I can assure you that your "fresh clothes, soft and warm from the dryer" comment was not overboard. Next time try throwing them on your bed in a big pile, jumping in the pile, and then snuggling until the heat dies down. Perfection! What I really liked about your day was that it wasn't planned and that everything fell into place. It was one of those good karma days. I especially liked that you found joy in the simplest things - I think those things are the most precious. If you can't enjoy the simple things in life, you'll continually strive for many things that aren't obtainable. I love your free spirit!


Lisa's picture
Submitted by Lisa on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:45pm.
Adam - I very much enjoyed your posting for your beautiful day.  I know I have stated this before on a previous posting but you write beautifully.  You are very descriptive and you seem to put yourself into everything you write, I mean you seem to take careful consideration for the words you choose and the format in which they are written.  I am glad that everything went so well for you.  Thank you sharing.

Submitted by susan w on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:13pm.

Susan L. Wagaman

Sounds like a great day and one in which things just couldn't go wrong for you.  Wow!  I bet you did not think it would be that great.  Congratulations on getting the apartment where you wanted to.  Another great coincidence...or is it?  I think God works these things out more often then we think.  I agree with you that I know the concepts of positive psychology but I don't often actually put them into practice.  This activity helped to show me how a different outlook and purpose in life can change my days...or at least help it to be more positive than I expect.  I especially liked that you gave yourself the treat of having a nap....often that is just what I need but I don't take the time.  Congratulations on having such an awsome day.