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Let's talk about our ideas here. What are you really interested in doing?
Try to woo your peers into studying with you this quarter. What are you interested in doing? How will you go about it? Why should someone join you?
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Talk to each other here. Want to continue discussions that came up during seminar or workshop? Here's the place!
Continue our seminar discussions here.
Continue our seminar discussions here.
Arrange your various get-togethers here, or just shoot the breeze.
It’s our last forum! Give some thought to what you have experienced and accomplished this quarter, and reflect on these questions:
1. What have you contributed to the organization?
2. What have you gained?
3. What are your desires for our spring quarter program?
Friendly reminders:
1. Process seminar and potluck next week (Tuesday, March 11 from 12-3) in Sem. 2, C1107.
2. Field supervisor evaluation letter due via email by Friday, March 14.
3. Service learning process paper #2 due next Tuesday at noon.
4. Self-evaluation due to faculty via email by Thursday, March 13.
5. Contact your faculty to schedule an evaluation conference. You should bring your evaluation of your faculty to your conference.
121 year 32 weeks ago
by Autumn H
It’s semi-open forum topic time! Here are some potential questions in case you need help getting started, but feel free to share whatever’s on your mind (hopefully it’ll have some relevance to your work this quarter and/or our program’s focus).
1. How’re you doing?
2. How are you changing as a result of your work?
3. What would you like to talk with your program peers about this week?
4. What’s your perspective on the recent incident on campus, given that Evergreen is one of the communities in which you’re involved?
We’re at the midpoint of the quarter already! Take a moment to reflect on yourself within your current internship/volunteer community. Please address the following questions in your post (remember to specify where you’re working) and respond to your peers’ posts throughout the week. If possible, please reference Edelman and Crain to fill your peers in on this optional reading.
1. How have you noticed yourself operating within this community?
2. How have you established boundaries for yourself?
3. What kinds of problems or conflicts have arisen, and how have you addressed them?
4. What kinds of communication skills have you found helpful in this context?
5. What skills do you think you need to learn at this juncture?
6. What do you need from your program learning community peers right now?
How are you all coping with the internship now that it's not quite so new? The relationship between you, the setting, your co-workers, supervisors, and clients/customers can be complex, so it's important to begin sorting through all of this early in the game. Please address the following questions in your post (remember to specify where you’re working) and respond to your peers’ posts throughout the week.
1. What expectations did you have about yourself and about your organization? How well has reality met up with expectation? Why?
2. As the new person in this work environment, what pressures have you felt from staff and from clients in terms of your performance? How do you think these pressures will change over time? (If you don’t work directly with staff or clients, discuss the pressures you are experiencing overall in your work.)
3. What coping strategies seem to work best for you as you deal with these pressures?
4. What skills do you think you need in order to work better with staff, clients, and/or others in your work?
5. Is this a hospitable organizational context (see Dalton p. 377)? For example, is the environment geared toward teaching interns?
6. What do you need from your program learning community peers right now?
How is the concept of different ecological levels of community relevant to your experience? Review Dalton ch. 1 (at least pgs.17-31) and ch. 5 (at least pgs. 135-147), and reference the text in your response.
Hi, everyone! Please respond to each of these questions. Also read and respond to your peers' posts.
1. How was your break?
2. How are you adjusting to your internship/volunteer work? Tell us a bit about where you're working and what you're doing so we can orient ourselves.
3. What is it like being a newcomer in this organization and/or community?
4. How have others affected (positively or negatively) your entrance into this organization/community?
5. What do you need from your program learning community peers right now?
Need to complain? Need feedback about something? Here is where we can discuss any problems that arise this quarter, unless we address them in the bi-weekly forums.
Announcements? Planning a get-together? Suggestions for great readings? Here's your spot!
Introduce yourself to your classmates
1102 years 2 weeks ago
by strjes21
Heesoon's seminar can chat with each other
122 years 2 weeks ago
by JennXOlyGrl
Toska's seminar can chat here.
222 years 4 weeks ago
by wilbri22
112 years 9 weeks ago
by admin