Fall Year One Syllabus
Fall 2010 Master in Teaching Program Syllabus
MIT 2010-2012
Additional information and resources for this program are available for enrolled students at the program website which can be accessed from: http://academic.evergreen.edu
Faculty Team
Andrew Gilbert, Ph.D. SEM 2A 2106
Anita Lenges, Ph.D. SEM 2A 3108
Scott Coleman, Ph.D. LAB 1 3010
Office Hours: by appointment
Regular Weekly Schedule
Day |
Time |
Location |
Topics |
Monday | 9:00 – 12:00 | Seminar 2 A 1107 | Funds of knowledge and educational aims; practicum preparation |
Monday | 1:00 – 3:00 | Seminar 2 A3105Anita,
A3107 Scott, A3109 Andrew |
Book seminar |
Tuesday | Variable | In K-12 schools | K-12 observations |
Wednesday | 9:00 – 12:00 | Seminar 2 E3107
Seminar 2 C3105 |
Reflections on classroom observations;
classroom management |
Wednesday | 12:15 – 1:00 | Seminar 2 D1105 | community meetings and special topics |
Thursday | 9:00 – 12:00 | Seminar 2 A3107
Computer Center: Mac Lounge |
Understanding research;
technology |
Thursday | 1:00 – 3:00 | Seminar 2 A 1107 | Learning theory |
Seminar Books
Week 1: Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson
Week 2: Collection of readings on Funds of Knowledge to be provided
Weeks 3 & 4: Unequal by Design, Wayne W. Au
Week 5 & 6: Mindsight, Daniel J. Siegel
Week 7: Democracy and Education, John Dewey
Week 8: Rethinking Globalization: Edited By Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson
Weeks 9 & 10: Privilege, Power and Difference, Allan G. Johnson
Other Books to be used for workshops at various times in the quarter and in subsequent quarters
The Art of Changing the Brain, James E. Zull
The Cultural Nature of Human Development, Barbara Rogoff
Understanding Research, W. Paul Jones, Jeffrey Kottler
How People Learn, John D. Bransford. et. al., editors
Designing Groupwork, Elizabeth G. Cohen
Understanding by Design, Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
CHANGES: This plan outlined in this syllabus may change in response to the needs of our learning community. Please check Moodle for new updates weekly. When you miss class, it is your responsibility to inquire about changes and check our Moodle program page.
DISABILITY/HEALTH CONCERNS: The faculty wish to fully engage all persons within our program’s learning processes. If you have a mental health, or health condition, or disability and require accommodation to fully participate in this program, please contact the Office of Access Services. We cannot provide accommodations until we receive the necessary paperwork from Access Services. Phone: (360) 867-6348 – Tdd/Tty: (360) 867-6834 – Fax: (360) 867-6360.
Major Assignments
Further details about each of these major assignments will be available in separate documents, accessible on Moodle.
Weekly Seminar Preparation Papers
You will write two entries each week, one entry before the in-class seminar and another entry after the in-class seminar. You are expected to complete your original entry by Sunday at 9:00pm and complete the second entry by Tuesday evening. After week 1 the format (Moodle, email, or paper) in which these are submitted may vary from seminar to seminar. A document describing the purpose and expectations for these preparation papers is available on Moodle.
Autoethnographic Entries
You will complete two of these during fall quarter: one due week 2 and the other due week 8.
Synthesis and Position Papers on Learning Theory
This will be the major written assignment for fall quarter. A polished draft of the synthesis paper is due to your seminar leader on Thursday of week 4 and your position paper, which builds on your earlier synthesis paper, is due Thursday of week 9.
Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirement Assignment
This will be your analysis concerning the structure of Washington State Learning standards and your reflections on your readiness to teach to those standards. Phase 1 – due week 2 and Phase 2- due week 9.
Research Analysis and Critique paper
For this assignment you will be investigating the quality and approach of one particular piece of research (one research article) and participating in a panel discussion with others who analyzed the same piece – Due week 6.
Aims of Education Visual Representation
This assignment will give you the opportunity to express your own developing ideas about the ends that should guide education – and to consider you those ideas in relation to some of our fall readings – using images and a few well chosen words.
Due week 7.
Brief Video Assignments
You will create two original video clips during the quarter, a 15-30 second clip due week 5 using video footage you capture and edit during week 4, and a video clip of up to one minute due by Friday of week 10. The content theme of these clips will be specified ahead of time, but you have the option of making these simple and straightforward or creatively complex.
Observation Journal (field notebook)
You will keep a journal for your observations and reflections during your Tuesday practicum experience. This will help support your conversations in small and large groups about your practicum experiences.
Advancement to Candidacy Portfolio
This is the name of the end-of-fall-quarter portfolio. It is due by 9:00 AM Wednesday of week 10 and will be an important resource for your advancement to candidacy interview during evaluation week.
Your on-going self-evaluation is an integral part of this program. You will be required to submit a brief self-evaluation with your mid-quarter portfolio, and to bring a comprehensive fall self-evaluation with you to your advancement to candidacy interview during evaluation week.
Keeping Your Work
Protect your computer-based work by always backing it up (storing it in at least two places). Your printed and hand written needs to be kept through at least the end of the quarter. Consider putting all returned program work into a box for future placement in your portfolio. In addition to turning in assignments when they are first due, you will be turning your collected work to your seminar faculty at the middle and end of the quarter. We will provide you with a list of items to be included and a description of how they should be organized several days before each portfolio due date.
Daily Schedules and Topics – Subject to Change, check Moodle for updates
Week 1: September 27-30: Who Are We and Where Are We Going: As Individuals and As A Learning Community?
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Sept 27 | Faculty introductions, overview of fall quarter, small group discussion of aims of education, retreat planning | seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Mistakes Were Made; focus on introduction, chapters 1,2,3,8
Tues | 9:00 -3:00 | Sept 28 | Retreat: Millersylvania State Park | Thinking About Learning assignment due at start of retreat, seminar paper part 2 due, |
Wed | 9:00 -1:30 | Sept 29 | Retreat: Millersylvania State Park | complete the technology survey, on Moodle, by the end of today |
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Sept 30 | Introduction to standards | |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology introductions: focused on an overview of our technology strand and file management | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory Overview: (Anita)
Week 2: October 4-8: Who Are the Students in Our Classrooms?
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Oct 4 | Conceptual framework to consider schools as learning environments within our social, cultural and political worlds. Who are we and who are our students? (Anita)
Practicum preparation |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Collection of Articles for Funds of Knowledge | |||
3:00 pm | Optional meeting: Information on tutoring/mentoring opportunities in Tacoma, Sem 2 E 3105 | |||
Tues | Variable: be available 7:00 am 4:00 pm | Oct 5 | Practicum: What is the social and culture environment of this school and classroom? What do our students bring?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
Begin keeping your practicum observation journal today; seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 6 | Practicum debrief | |
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: Basics of Communication |
12:15 pm | Announcements, program business, continued development of our Covenant | |||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 7 | Research: The goal of educational research….whose interests whose goals?
quant/qual Chap. 1-3 (Jones & Kottler) |
Autoethnography entry #1 Family and early schooling history, due by 9:00 am;
Phase 1 EALR project due; |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology: Palmcorder Usage | Complete/bring proficiency quiz to the workshop; | ||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: Constructivism and the Learning Cycle (Scott)
Read Zull, The Art of Changing the Brain, pages 1-88 |
Week 3: October 11-15: In What Ways Can We Support the Students in Our Classrooms?
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Oct 11 | Development as Aim of Education Workshop (Scott)
Practicum Preparation: Read Understanding by Design Chapters 1-3 and consider How can we construct lessons to optimize student learning? |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Unequal by Design, chapters 1-3
Tues | Variable | Oct 12 | Practicum: How are lessons designed and carried out to support student learning
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 13 | Practicum debrief: Funds of knowledge & professional learning opportunities | |
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: Active Listening | |||
12:15 pm | Announcements, program business, brief introduction to APA style writing, continued development of our Covenant | |||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 14 | Research: “Becoming a competent and critical consumer…”
A closer look at “Unequal by Design…” Chap. 4-6 (Jones & Kottler) |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology: Finding research articles from the Evergreen library’s on-line sources – Paul McMillin, Reference Librarian | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: Socio-constructivism (Andy)
Week 4: October 18-22: What Do Students Know? Academic and Sociocultural Dimensions
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Oct 18 | Assessment Workshop (Scott)
Practicum preparation: (Read Cohen Chapters 1-3 for today) |
seminar paper part 1 due; read Cohen Chapters 1-3 |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Unequal by Design, chapters 4-6
Tues | Variable | Oct 19 | Practicum: How is knowledge socially constructed?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 20 | ||
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: More on Communication | |||
12:15 pm | announcements, more on APA | |||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 21 | Research: Critical reading groups: (tentative list)
Ethnographic research Ethnography Quantitative -group/individual reading assignments/sharing |
learning theory synthesis paper due by 9:00 pm |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology: video editing basics | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: Sociocultural /critical theory? (Andy)
Week 5: October 25-29: What Do Students Know? Adding the Psychological Dimension
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Oct 25 | Construction of Race (Anita)
Preparation for Practicum: Read Cohen Chapter 8 for today |
complete on-line disposition survey by today – include results in portfolio
seminar paper part 1 due
portfolios for weeks 1-4 due to seminar faculty today
1:00 pm | Seminar: Mindsight, chapters 1-6
Tues | Variable | Oct 26 | Practicum: What is the social and culture environment of this school and classroom? What do our students bring?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Oct 27 | ||
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: Focusing | |||
12:15 pm | Guest Speaker on Open and Caring Classrooms: Sheri Leafgren | |||
Thur | 9:00 – 3:00 | Oct 28 | Individual mid term conferences with seminar leader; complete video project today and post to Moodle
video posted to Moodle by 5 pm |
Week 6: November 1-5: What Should Students Know?
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Nov 1 | Dewey Workshop on Democracy and Education – read Dewey chapter 7
(Scott) Practicum Preparation: Read Understanding by Design Chapters 7 & 8 |
seminar paper part 1 due
Dewey, chapter 7, Understanding by Design, Chapters 7&8 |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Mindsight, chapters 7-12 | |||
Tues | Variable | Nov 2 | How are lessons designed and carried out to support student learning
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 am | Nov 3 |
12:15 pm | Classroom Management: Applying Principles | |||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Nov 4 | Research: Making sense of your research synthesis … sharing written response to guiding Q’s
Why should teachers care about research? |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology: introduction to webpages | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: Socio-cultural theory (Anita)
Read: Rogoff |
Read Rogoff |
Week 7: November 8-12: Education and Schooling
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Nov 8 | School Success in the White Man’s World (Anita)
Practicum Preparation: |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Democracy and Education, chapters 1, 2, 8, 10
Tues | Variable | Nov 9 | Practicum: How is knowledge socially constructed?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Nov 10 |
9:00 /10:40 | Workshop on Issues of Abuse | |||
12:15 pm | ||||
Thur | Nov 11 | Veteran’s Day Holiday, No class | Aims of Education visual representation assignment due by 5:00 pm;
Submit issues of abuse quiz, electronically by next Monday |
Week 8: November 15-19: Teaching Toward A Better World
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Nov 15 | Making School Not the White Man’s World (Anita)
Practicum Preparation |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Rethinking Globalization, chapters 1-3
Tues | Variable | Nov 16 | Practicum: What is the social and culture environment of this school and classroom? What do our students bring?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Nov 17 |
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: Applying Principles | |||
12:15 pm | ||||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Nov 18 | Research: Peer reviews of research papers
How do standards address issues from your synthesis project? Connecting standards to your future practice |
9:00 /10:40 | Technology: CCAM introduction | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: The Science of Learning: Behaviorism and Beyond (Anita & Scott)
Read Bransford, How People Learn, pages 3-50; Autoethnography entry #2 “Construction of Race”, due by 5:00 pm |
Thanksgiving Break, November 22-26: No Class
Week 9: November 29-December 3: Embracing the Challenges
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Nov 29 | Class and Gender (Andy)
Practicum Preparation: |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Privilege, Power, and Difference, chapters 1-5
Tues | Variable | Nov 30 | How are lessons designed and carried out to support student learning
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due |
Wed | 9:00 /10:40 | Dec 1 |
9:00 /10:40 | Classroom Management: Applying Principles | |||
12:15 pm | ||||
Thur | 9:00 /10:40 | Dec 2 | Research: Using research and standards to articulate a vision for your practice…
9:00 /10:40 | CCAM introduction continued | |||
1:00 pm | Learning Theory: Language and learning (Andy) | Learning theory position paper due by 9:00 pm |
Week 10: December 6-10: The End of the Beginning
Topics / Events |
Assignments due |
Mon | 9:00 am | Dec 6 | Race and Identity (Andy)
Read 2 articles that are posted for today. |
seminar paper part 1 due |
1:00 pm | Seminar: Privilege, Power, and Difference, chapters 6-9
Tues | Variable | Dec 7 | Practicum: How is knowledge socially constructed?
Afternoon: work with colleagues to debrief and prepare for Wednesday |
seminar paper part 2 due;
Complete end-of-quarter disposition survey by today |
Wed | 9:00 – 1:00 | Dec 8 | Independent Project: Group Work
Advancement to Candidacy Portfolio due by 9:00 AM |
Thur | 9:00 – 3:00 pm | Dec 9 | Independent Project: Complete Video Clip Assignment | video project posted to Moodle by 3:00
learning theory synthesis paper #2 due by 5:00 pm
complete fall self-evaluation before your advancement to candidacy interview next week |
December 13-15: Evaluation Week: Advancement to Candidacy and Other Evaluation Activities
