Category Archives: Uncategorized

Info for Weds, Week 4

Dear All, First, thank you all for being so patient during this sad time for Elizabeth and I. Thank you for working with Steven on Wednesday, for making Rachel’s visit really generative on Saturday, and for getting your work to … Continue reading

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Readings for Weds Week 3: “Bruising Borders: Poetic Insurrections into “Education,” “Knowledge,” & “Language(s)” Under Neo-Liberal Globalization”

Here are the readings for this week. All short and rather straightforward, save, of course, for the poetry itself. We are a) getting ready for, and getting familiar with, the work of Rachel Zolf, in prep for her reading/discussion this … Continue reading

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Start: Oct 15 2010 7:00 pm Rachel Zolf & David Wolach October 15; 7:00 pm The Evergreen State College Sem II Building, Room A1105 *THIS IS A REQUIRED CLASS (SWITCHED OUT FOR SATURDAY) FOR EXPERIMENTS IN TEXT STUDENTS Please join us! … Continue reading

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“memoria, música, y liberacion.” Sat, 10/09/2010 – 9:07am — Lisa Hanna Start: Oct 23 2010 3:00 pm End: Oct 23 2010 9:00 pm EVENT RELEASING THREE CREATIVE WORKS IN OLYMPIA OCT. 23 A New Book From Leticia Nieto, The First Sin Fronteras … Continue reading

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Reminders for Saturday / Lecture Notes

Hello All, I’ve just sent you the Bybee memorandum/leaked document. Apologies for sending the wrong file before! Just a few brief reminders. Please send me, by Saturday evening, the writings you’ve done so far (and that we’ll work with directly … Continue reading

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