Inspiring Change through Accountability

Fall Quarter S & J Collaborations: Inspiring Change through Accountability

Fall quarter’s key assignment involves working autobiographically and collaboratively with the themes of “sustainability” and “justice.” These themes are very broad and the challenges associated with them can seem insurmountable.  Fall quarter is designed, in part, to draw students into these themes personally by reflecting on each individual’s own culpability in contributing to problems of sustainability and justice, and to reflect on the personal responsibility and agency one can bring to creating a more sustainable and just world in ways that inspire. It is up to each student’s  collaborative group to choose the specific aspects of sustainability and justice to address.

There are four key parts to the S & J Collaborations:

  • Part 1: A creative nonfiction literary essay written by you, individually, (for the page);
  • Part 2: A creative nonfiction literary essay written collaboratively (for the page);
  • Part 3 or 4: An audio-visual adaptation of the essay for the digital audio-video workshop;
  • Part 3 or 4: A visual adaptation of the essay for the 16mm film workshop.

In order to work on this four-part assignment, students will be given guidance in writing creative nonfiction and they will be given hands-on skill building in a 4-week digital audio-video workshop and a 4-week 16mm film workshop.

This site is designed to exhibit the fall quarter student-produced collaborations.

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