Author Archives: Nhuy Pockavannh

Firms Week 7 Research

For this set of research I’ve decided to look up some local architect firms or future references of finding a job. Educating myself about who does what, who values what most important who sees what I see. Knowing about the different firms out there I feel will also influence me on what my style is because discovering […]

Week 2 Design

For this week’s design I have followed up on including feedback from critique of the previous week into the design/ animation shown. “A house isn’t just a stand alone structure, it needs furniture” said during the critique, from that I began to include the life and elements that you live with, within it. The shape was inspired [...]

Weeks 1-5

Weeks 1-5 Reflection* For my project I decided to cut the quarter into two sections; weeks 1-5 and weeks 6-10. I split it up like this because for my specific project there’s a beginning and ending meaning, weeks 1-5 is when I gathered the basic information about a design such as climatic conditions, site planning, [...]

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification Week 5 Research

WHAT IS LEED CERTIFICATION: LEED is a third party certification program and the nationally accepted benchmark for the design,construction and operation of high performance green building construction. From individual buildings and homes to entire neighborhoods, LEED is transforming the way we think about how our buildings and communities are designed, constructed, maintained and operated across the [...]

Week 4 Design

Tiny House This week’s design came to me through my friend Christopher Thomas and his Evergreen State College Club for an internship that he is involved with. A little bit about the internship: It is located in the North West National forest that has two reservations one for the Hoh Tribe in La Push Washington [...]

Sustainability & Tiny Homes Week 3-4 Research

SUSTAINABILITY (Week 3) Efficiency and Sustainability Sustainability- meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own need. A sustainable society restores, adapts, preserves, and enhances nature and culture for the benefit of the present and future. Population and Sustainability- the sustainable population for the capacity of the Earth [...]

Week 3 Design

SHED This week was a bit different, I made request to design a shed in the back of my home to my landlord. She explained to me that the existing shed behind the house has to be tore down, and she would still like to have something to be in the back of the home, [...]

Climate Regions Week 1 Research

CLIMATE REGIONS Climate Region 1- Has a severe climate of mostly cool and cold temperatures that often drop far below the freezing in winter. Snow is common in most of the regions. Winter winds, which greatly add to winter discomfort usually, form northern and western directions. Since sunshine is available more than 50% of the [...]

History Research Week 1 Research

RESEARCH HISTORY: Originates in Southeast Asian, showing its cultural perspectives after 8,000 BC – 2,000 BC. Mainly constructed of a walk and a roof made from stone and dirt and were single floor structures. Stone Henge is one of the most famous examples of Neolithic architecture, or the society of Skara Brae. Neolithic Architecture is [...]


Strategies for Climate Priorities: Winter Keep the heat in and the cold temperatures out during the summer Avoid building on cold northern slopes Build on the middle of slopes to avoid both the pools of cold air at the bottom and the high winds at the top of hills Use a compact design with a [...]