Tresus capax

ObservationsObservations of this species.

Key to Family
Key to Genera
Literature Cited

Tresus capax (Gould, 1850)

Common name(s): Horse clam, Gapper clam

Up to 180mm

Gulf of Alaska to Central California

Muddy sand, dense sand, silty sand and gravel in protected bays. Burrows down to 60 cm. Intertidal to 30 m.

Tresus nuttallii, Mya arenaria, Panope abrupta

Life History:
Spawning occurs when the water begins to warm up and may spawn more than once in a season. T. capax may live up to 12 years. This species commonly hosts the commensal pea crab, Fabia subquadrata, in southern Puget Sound.

Polinices lewisii, Cancer magister, Pisaster spp.

Additional Resources:

*"Size" refers to shell length only and only gives the largest average size for the given species.

Last updated Tuesday, August 29, 2006, by Lisa Ferrier