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Law And Government Policy [clear]
Title | Offering | Standing | Credits | Credits | When | F | W | S | Su | Description | Preparatory | Faculty | Days | Multiple Standings | Start Quarters | Open Quarters |
Dylan Fischer, Carri LeRoy, Abir Biswas, Erik Thuesen and Alison Styring
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Fall Winter Spring
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | V | V | Day | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market. studies in nutrient and toxic trace metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory-scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology or chemistry could gain skills in soil, vegetation and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements. studies plant ecosystem ecology, carbon dynamics and nutrient cycling in forests of the Southwest and western Washington. This work includes image analysis of tree roots, molecular genetics, plant physiology, carbon balance, nitrogen cycling, species interactions, community analysis and restoration ecology. He also manages the EEON project (blogs.evergreen.edu/eeon/). See more about his lab's work at: blogs.evergreen.edu/ecology. Students participating in this program work closely with ongoing research in the lab, participate in weekly lab meetings and develop their own research projects. conducts research on linkages between terrestrial and aquatic environments. She is trained as a freshwater ecologist and primarily studies in-stream ecosystem processes and aquatic communities. She and her students study leaf litter decomposition in streams as a major input of organic material to aquatic systems. In addition, she conducts research on aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure, aquatic fungal biomass and standard water quality and hydrology measurements in stream and river environments. studies birds. Current activity in her lab includes avian bioacoustics and avian monitoring and research in Evergreen’s campus forest and other nearby locations. Bioacoustic research includes field monitoring of local birds using bioacoustics methods and editing and identifying avian songs and calls from an extensive collection of sounds from the campus forest as well as tropical forest sites in Borneo. Local research projects in the campus forest and nearby locations include mapping and monitoring snags (standing dead trees) for wildlife use and monitoring bird populations and communities using a variety of standard approaches. conducts research on the ecological physiology of marine animals. He and his students are currently investigating the physiological, behavioral and biochemical adaptations of gelatinous zooplankton to environmental stress and climate change. Other research is focused on the biodiversity of marine zooplankton. Students working in his lab typically have backgrounds in different aspects of marine science, ecology, physiology and biochemistry. | Dylan Fischer Carri LeRoy Abir Biswas Erik Thuesen Alison Styring | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Jay Stansell
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | F 14 Fall | May racists burn crosses to express their supremacist views? May protesters burn flags to express their opposition to government policy? The First Amendment is most vulnerable to erosion when we fail to protect expression that some or many find unpopular, offensive, repugnant, indecent, subversive, unpatriotic, heretical, blasphemous, etc. This program will be a comprehensive and critical examination of the wide range of issues implicated by the protection and censorship of expression.We will use the case method to study every major free speech opinion issued by the courts. This intensive study necessarily focuses on the last 90 years, since it was not until well into the 20th century that the United States Supreme Court began to protect speech from governmental suppression. Our study of controversies will include the new challenges presented by hate speech, government-subsidized art, political campaign spending and virtual technologies. Students will be expected to examine critically the formalist free speech paradigms that have evolved and to question the continuing viability of the "free marketplace of ideas" metaphor.Working in legal teams, students will develop appellate briefs on real free speech cases decided recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals and will present oral arguments before the "Evergreen Supreme Court." Students will also rotate as justices to read their peers' appellate briefs, hear arguments and render decisions. Reading for the course will include court opinions, Internet resources and various books and journal articles on our subject. Study will be rigorous; the principal text will be a law school casebook. | Jay Stansell | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall | |||||
Nancy Anderson and Kathy Kelly
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 8 | 08 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | Nancy Anderson Kathy Kelly | Sat Sun | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Yvonne Peterson and Gary Peterson
Program | FR–SRFreshmen–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This program is intended for students committed to activism and praxis. We’ll study the scholarship of American Indian author Vine Deloria, Jr., who drew attention to Native American issues since the 1960’s. We will focus on some of Deloria's essential questions to guide research, seminars, independent projects, and community service. Students will explore ways in which American Indians have been deprived of land, economic opportunities, treaty rights, natural resources, religious freedom, repatriation, and access to and protection for sacred places. We will conduct ethnographic interviews, historical research, and write a series of plays for tribal schools. During fall quarter we will examine how knowledge becomes a tool of social change. We will pay special attention to the differences between the knowledge bases of indigenous peoples and the dominant European-American model. How do these differences influence the political and economic realities faced by Native communities? How does one “word smith” activism and praxis for young indigenous learners? During fall and winter quarters, we will study U.S. history, critically considering the “doctrine of discovery”, colonization, and court and government decisions regarding indigenous peoples. Indian activists, tribal leaders, and scholars from the Vine Deloria, Jr. symposium will enrich the work of this program through live appearances and media presentations.Lectures, films, readings, and student-led text-based seminars will compose the primary structures used by this learning community. Quarterly, students will complete an academic project related to the theme of the program and will work in groups to explore shadow liberation theatre for Indigenous youth. Students will have the option to engage in service learning volunteer projects and internships during winter and spring quarters. Participation in this program means practicing accountability to the learning community, other communities, interacting as a respectful guest with other cultures, and engaging in constant communication with co-learners. | Yvonne Peterson Gary Peterson | Freshmen FR Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Program | SO–SRSophomore–Senior | 16 | 16 | Day | W 15Winter | The framers of the U.S. Constitution sought to ensure that the federal government would neither promote religion nor interfere with religious liberty. The very first two clauses of the First Amendment capture the framers' concern: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." On parchment, those 16 words seem simple enough. In practice, however, the two clauses often are in tension and give rise to enduring controversy over the meaning of "establishment" and "free exercise." For example, if the government exempts church property from taxation, is it assisting the establishment of religion? If the government does not exempt church property from taxation, is it interfering in the free exercise of religion?In the United States, controversies about what the religion clauses prohibit or protect intensified in the 1940s, when the U.S. Supreme Court first recognized that the First Amendment applied to the states, not just to the federal government. We will use the case method to study every major court opinion that implicates the First Amendment's religion clauses. This intensive study necessarily focuses on the last 75 years, since it was not until the 1940 case of Cantwell v. Connecticut that the Supreme Court began to protect religious rights under the First Amendment.Working in legal teams, students will develop appellate briefs on real freedom of religion cases decided recently by the U.S. Courts of Appeals and will present oral arguments before the "Evergreen Supreme Court." Students will also rotate as justices to read their peers' appellate briefs, hear arguments and render decisions. Readings for the program will include Internet resources and various books and journal articles, as well as court opinions. Study will be rigorous; the principal text will be a law school casebook. | Jose Gomez | Sophomore SO Junior JR Senior SR | Winter | |||||||
Mary DuPuis and Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | Mary DuPuis Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Mary DuPuis and Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | Mary DuPuis Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
TBA and Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | TBA Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
TBA and Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | TBA Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring | |||
Cynthia Marchand-Cecil
Program | JR–SRJunior–Senior | 12 | 12 | Evening and Weekend | F 14 Fall | W 15Winter | S 15Spring | This upper division program teaches from a Native-based perspective within the context of the larger global society and is designed for students who have social, cultural or economic ties to tribes. The curriculum is built around three themes that rotate one per year. For 2014-2015 the theme is In fall, students introduced to the major trends and issues in by comparing and contrasting different approaches to tribal management development and the factors contributing to successful nation building. During winter quarter, students will learn about , which is an exploration of major ethical theories and their applications to a variety of current issues. Students will explore various Native perspectives on ethics and the ways in which they are manifest in contemporary Native America. Developing analytic skills and critical thinking are a key aspect of this course through, amongst other things, the analysis of cases studies on current issues in Indian communities. In spring, students will be enrolled in , which explores leadership in both mainstream and tribal contexts; students will examine how political and social forces create leaders and make history. There are five curricular elements of the program: Core Course, Integrated Skills, Strands, Integrated Seminar, and Independent Study. The Core Course, taught from a tribal perspective in a global community, is a nine-credit unit within the program taught at all sites at the same time with the same readings and assignments, but allows for faculty/student innovation and site specification. Integrated Skills, including critical thinking and analysis, research and writing, public speaking, collaboration, personal authority, and indigenous knowledge, are taught across the curriculum, integrated into all teaching and learning at the sites and at Saturday classes. Strands, another element, are two-credit courses taught on four Saturdays per quarter, which allow for breadth in the program and make it possible to invite professionals and experts in specific fields to offer courses that otherwise might not be available to students in the program. The Integrated Seminar held on the same four Saturdays as the Strands is called Battlegrounds, and is a one-credit workshop generally built around native case studies. The program also includes student initiated work through Independent Study. | Cynthia Marchand-Cecil | Junior JR Senior SR | Fall | Fall Winter Spring |