Voyages of Discovery and Understanding

Fall and Winter 2002, 8 credits
Weeks 1, 2, 9 and 10: Saturdays, 9 am - 5 pm
Weeks 3to 8: Saturdays, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm + community service

Kevin Hogan
SEM 4163 - office 
SEM 3127 - mail 
(360) 867 - 5078 

click for WebX

Hirsh Diamant
LIB 3209 - office

LIB 3220 - mail 
(360) 867 - 6736

Description Syllabus Links Covenants
Links to science sites Writing assignments Phenomena papers
Lecture/slide shows (you will need your Evergreen login to access these.  Please note that this is not your WebX login.  Rather, it is the same login you would use to access your Evergreen email account.  If it asks you for the "domain", use "ac_computing" (no quotations, underscore between words.) )
Mountains: Orogeny and Climate
Introduction to Global Climates and Biomes
Environments and Organisms of China
Environments and Organisms of Indonesia
Dispersal and Biogeography
Environments and Organisms of Australia
Biodiversity and Endemism
Carroll Cobbs' talk on Journey of the Photon

Here is the Biogeography exam from fall term

Here are the questions for in-class writing on 8 March.

Lecture notes: coevolution, adaptations to heat and drought, invasive species

and the energy balance problems


You can download a short pdf file about evolution by natural selection, and read about Darwin and evolutionary theory.

Would you like to go sailing this spring?

Read about the development of civilizations in Central America, including a brief note on Bartolome de las Casas. Read more about de las Casas here and here.

Read more by Rudolf Steiner about prehistory and "cosmic memory"
Notice: WashPirg (the Washington Public Interest Research Group), on Saturday 25 January from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in CAB 110, will host a discussion of genetically engineered foods by Skip Spitzer.

Read about the effects of global warming.

You can download the Community Service form here.
Above I have posted to this webpage the rest of the slideshows that have illustrated my talks.  You will need your Evergreen computer login to access these slideshows.  You all have one - any registered student gets one.  See this page to find out what yours is if you don't already know it.  Please remember that the slideshows were never intended to be self-contained - you will want to consult other resources for further information on some issues.

Why do leaves turn red in the fall?

Older adult returning students (OARS) support group, Women’s Resource Center, every Tuesday evening  7-8pm.  Refreshments are served 
The definition of the word "voyage" (from the Oxford English Dictionary)


To The Evergreen State College Home Page

Last modified on 24 January 2003