Photo: Salmon Cam
11 Jan 2005
2313 hours







Continuing Research


I have identified a region in the aurorae where wave transformation is possible, where ß~1 in Earth's atmosphere. I have also described likely mechanisms for this tranformation. But there is more work to be done. Here are some things I plan to do next in my quest to answer "Can magnetic waves in the auroral region transform into acoustic waves?"

- Gather data from satellite observations of resonant acoustic and Alfvén waves in a single CME 
induced geomagnetic event.  
    - My search for satellite data

- Determine where the ß~1 region is during an aurora.

- Evaluate how wave velocities, frequencies and wavelengths change as altitude and ß changes.

- Use data of auroral infrasound observed at Earth’s surface to extrapolate speeds in the ionosphere and compare to magnetic wave speeds.



How are aurorae created?
Can we hear the aurorae?
Wave transformation on the Sun
What is ß?
How can a magnetic wave transform into an acoustic wave?
Does ß=1 anywhere in Earth’s atmosphere?
Continuing research