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Here is another free application to construct concept maps
Submitted by Yahui on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 9:36pm. Yahui's blog
Hillary, where did you get that money?
I am responding to the piece on Hillary Clinton taking campaign money from terrorist sources. It is a no brainer to realize that campaign funding sources should be thoroughly checked out. I do have a question though...Who is defining these contributors as terrorist-tied? The article stated that the gentleman was a Palestinian business man. Did she know better? Probably, however how many of us would not take money for something we want and not be concerned who the giver was tied to? Should she know better? Hell yes! She was not in the White House with Bill and experiencing all of the investigative times for him to gain the presidential seat without knowing exactly what to say or do in certain situations.
Submitted by Donna Lee on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 9:06am. read more | Donna Lee's blog
Some links for class
Submitted by Rick on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 5:15pm. Rick's blog
I need some adviceI am having difficulties naming one of the groups of arguments in my project. The basis of this particular argument is that regulating hate speech would be great ideally but would not be feasible in terms of policy implementation or would just create a backlash and thus foster more hate. This group is set up in opposition to the group called "1st Amendment Absolutists" and has some ideologies in common with the other group in favor of regulating hate speech. I thought about calling them "realists" or "practicalists" but there are many meanings for those terms and I don't know if that would be "proper" usage. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Submitted by Carmella Fleming on Mon, 05/28/2007 - 11:51am. Carmella Fleming's blog
Are you for RU486? Are you euphoric?
Submitted by gar russo on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 10:00pm. gar russo's blog
project! farhi folks, so I have attached a rough map of one of the sides of the debate surrounding hate speech regulation in the U.S. (be it legislation or just speech codes.) i welcome comments and suggestions! Does anyone know how to embed it as an image on the blog?
Submitted by Carmella Fleming on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 8:12pm. Carmella Fleming's blog
Orwell: The Politics of the English Language
Orwell writes about ways in which the English language is used and how it has allowed various realms, especially the political, to thrive. He states that metaphors, scientific language, and foreign phrases, contribute to vague and meaningless conversation. By referring to bombings or other acts of war as "liberation attempts" or other such nonsense, it makes it easier for the public to be controlled.
His ideas are sound, but times exist when such language is necessary. Imagine a job interview where someone was completely honest and did not make their faults appear to be good things. For example, I worked my last job for seven years. I received an interview with a new company and she said, "Well, it seems like they did not treat you very well." I replied, "Regardless of how they treated me, they taught me everything I know and for that, I will always be grateful to them." If I had replied fully truthfully, as opposed to bullshitting just a little bit, the poor woman would have received a barrage of misdoings and wrongs that I was the brunt of, and I would not be employed.
Submitted by Kasinda on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 2:12pm. Kasinda's blog
Right to Hunt vs. Animal Rights
Submitted by Rachel Glover on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 12:25pm. Rachel Glover's blog