

Submitted by susan w on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 7:55pm.
ForgivenessBecause I am 50 years old there have been many times I have needed to forgive others and myself.   Some have been very big issues and very hard to do…some even took years of working through.  At this point, though, I feel I have gone through the process of forgiveness for things that have hurt me in my past and present life. Therefore, it was hard to come up with anything for this activity.  But, surprisingly, I had a situation this week that came up that really bothered me.  As the week went on, I realized that I either needed to confront this person or hold in my frustration or extend forgiveness and understanding.    

First, I had to examine what was happening and why I felt the way I did.  When I figured it all out and went through the forgiveness steps I was able to let it go.  I think it may come up again and I may need to confront the situation but at this point I didn’t want to do that.  Mainly because it involved a good friend that I don’t believe has any idea of what she is doing.  I am afraid I will hurt her feelings if I confront at this point and I am hoping that it will not happen again.  I know this friend cares about me deeply and would not do anything consciously to hurt me but she is sometimes thoughtless in her words.  I feel as if I can forgive her this since I am sure I also have areas that need forgiveness from her. 

Activities 4 & 6 " A Beautiful Day" & Forgiveness

Submitted by Jacob H on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 7:24pm.

A Beautiful Day

I began my beautiful day with the objective of, "allowing myself to make mistakes". I didn't really want to plan out my day with the mistakes I would make, since I felt it would limit the exercise.

I often find myself being very self critical about everything that I do. I need to do everything to perfection or it isn't good enough. I feel that I had a great day and let me tell you, I made a lot of mistakes.

Activity 4 "A Beautiful Day" & Activity 6 "Forgiveness"

Jill Story's picture
Submitted by Jill Story on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:49pm.

Activity 4

A Beautiful Day

Seligman says that “A full life consists in experiencing positive emotions about the past and future, savoring positive feelings from the pleasures, deriving abundant gratification from your signature strengths, and using these strengths in the service of something larger to obtain meaning.”

EMP Field Trip

Submitted by Jacob H on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:48pm.

EMP Field Trip

My day started off with high expectations; I anticipated having a sense of connectedness not only with other classmates but with myself. I think that sometimes I don't take the opportunity to have new experiences outside of work and school. This field trip was a chance for me to have fun and apply the things I learned and identify them in life. Being able to identify and consequently break out of certain behavior patterns has allowed me some insight into what is important for me.


Lisa's picture
Submitted by Lisa on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 6:13pm.

Positive Psychology

Field Trip to EMP

Lisa Wilson

            I had such a great time in Seattle and exploring EMP.  I had the pleasure of my daughter’s company during this field trip which made the day even more enjoyable.  When I think about concepts that we have learned this quarter, positive emotions and positive communities stood out for me on this day. 

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