
Three Blessings

Lauren's picture
Submitted by Lauren on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 5:11pm.
I was looking forward to doing the “Three Blessings” activity because, through my study of positive psychology, I have come to realize that I am prone to fixating on negative events and minimizing positive ones. I figured that this exercise could help even out the balance.
At first, it was somewhat difficult to come up with really good things that had happened, but once I got started it was easy. On evenings that I was cranky or in a bad mood, the exercise helped to lift my mood and made it easier for me to relax and fall asleep.
On two of the nights I tried the dreaming option. I don’t think it worked the way it was supposed to. On both nights I had strange dreams, like black-and-white movies. George Clooney was in one of them. I’m not sure what that’s all about.

Gratitude Letter

Brandon's picture
Submitted by Brandon on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 5:05pm.

            When I was a little kid my favorite person was my grandmother. Hands-down, no questions asked she was one of the coolest grandmas a kid could have. She did all the normal grandma stuff like read to me, she bought me toys, and she would always give me one or two more cookies then I was suppose to have… you know, grandma stuff. She also went above and beyond in a lot of ways.  From the moment I heard that we were going to do this assignment in class I knew that my Grandma was the one who should get my letter.

Lacey Graves "3 blassings" activity # 3

Submitted by Lacey on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 1:18pm.

Lacey Graves  Activity # 3

Three blessings

Day 1

            1. I had a good conversation with my partner

Lacey Graves: Resilience factor

Submitted by Lacey on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 1:17pm.

Lacey Graves

Resilience factor response



            I really enjoyed this book. Had I read it six months ago I have a feeling that it would have been foreign and felt unreachable to me. Beginning in October I was taking 12 credits of class and living in my car in Olympia so that I could stay in school. I grew so much within the last 2 two months of fall quarter. As I was reading this book I could pin sown and put names on all of the changes that took place within myself, All of the factors of resilience seemed to shine through and guide my life in a calming and accepting way. For the first time I was truly able to see how negative circumstances can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Bow-Flex Activity 3: "Three Blessings"

Brandon's picture
Submitted by Brandon on Thu, 02/14/2008 - 3:13pm.

You know those commercials on TV, the ones for the exercise equipment that promises to give to rippling mussels if you work out for just five minutes a day. Whenever I see those commercials I always wonder, “do people actually buy into that?” I suppose some people must. I’m basing this assumption off the fact that every garage sale I have ever been to has had one of these “quick fix” exercise machines available for purchase. Sometimes I worry that a lot of the mood altering techniques we have read about in this class may be viewed by people in the same way as those exercise machine commercials.

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