Three Blessings

Lauren's picture
Submitted by Lauren on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 5:11pm.
I was looking forward to doing the “Three Blessings” activity because, through my study of positive psychology, I have come to realize that I am prone to fixating on negative events and minimizing positive ones. I figured that this exercise could help even out the balance.
At first, it was somewhat difficult to come up with really good things that had happened, but once I got started it was easy. On evenings that I was cranky or in a bad mood, the exercise helped to lift my mood and made it easier for me to relax and fall asleep.
On two of the nights I tried the dreaming option. I don’t think it worked the way it was supposed to. On both nights I had strange dreams, like black-and-white movies. George Clooney was in one of them. I’m not sure what that’s all about.
Most of the mornings during the week I did the activity, I woke up feeling fine and maybe a little less tired than usual, but this could be evidence of a confirmation bias. I only had to work two mornings during this week, which was unfortunate because I was most interested to see if the activity would have any impact on my work performance. On both days I did seem to perform better. My thoughts were more organized, and minor hassles were less bothersome and discouraging. I can’t be certain that this was due to the “Three Blessings” activity, but it certainly seemed to help.

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 2:02pm.
I was also wondering if this activity had any impact on the following days. Other than making me feel better about my circumstances for that night and influencing some strange dreams, I didn't notice any change in the next day. Hey but if anything else, it made you pay more attention to the positive things in your life. 

Submitted by Jacob H on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 8:36pm.

Lauren, I think we had a similar approach for this assignment because I too was excited and looking forward to the mood lift I had envisioned. I think that even if you hadn’t been looking for the positive results, you would have had a high probability of experiencing some, if not all, of the positives.

I find it comforting and intriguing, in an odd way, that other people had the same results when they concentrated on dreaming. I had vivid dreams and thought I was doing something because my results were the opposite of what the activity seemed to intend. I plan on addressing this anomaly in class.