

Sue-Marie's picture
Submitted by Sue-Marie on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 1:31pm.

I didn't focus on one project for one two-hour period of time.  Instead I engaged in several activities that all told probably added to more like three or four hours.  I don't really like to talk that much about acts of kindness done for others, because I never want to come from an ego place in helping others. I guess it's okay to do it to make yourself feel better, but I find my reasons are usually different than trying to make myself feel better.

What I realized through this process is that I fairly routinely engage in acts of philanthropy and activism in order to help others.  I do this because I feel it is my duty as a human being.  The writer Alice Walkers says activism is the rent she pays for living on Planet Earth.  I agree with her.  But this is just one aspect of gemeinschafsegefuhl to me.  The other aspect is more difficult, and that is my ongoing work around training my mind to be altruistic.  For this, I recite a Buddhist prayer.  I either do this aloud while using my prayer beads so that I say the prayer 108 or 216 times (depending on if I go once or twice around my mala).  I also recite my prayers when I'm stopped in traffic, or waiting in lines.  I will often recite them silently at night while falling asleep.  The prayer is: May all sentient beings be happy and endowed with the causes of happiness.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.  This prayer is also referred to as the four immeasurables.  My goal is to recite the prayer 100 times a day, but I don't always meet that goal. 

Elevator Ride

Sue-Marie's picture
Submitted by Sue-Marie on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 1:18pm.

I had resistance to this activity, until I realized I was already doing this activity!  Duh.  I was starting to get really anxious about my big work load for school last week, so rather than worry about everything I had to do (ruminate), I bought a weekly calendar and wrote out all my assignments, and the homework I needed to do each week.  Once I did this, I realized my work load isn't as bad and scary as I was imaginging it to be.

For lifting my mood, I visited with a friend and went for a hike in the woods.  It would have been easy for me to not make time for these activities, but I realized they are important and both made me feel really good and more focused on my tasks at hand.  I even had some spiritual insights during my hike, which was a nice bonus.  I thought about how important air is, and how there is only one body of air around the planet.  We are all breathing the same air.  I thought about how I was breathing the same air I breathed when I was at 17,000 feet in Tibet last summer.  This made me feel really good, because it reminded me that we are all interconnected.


Beth's picture
Submitted by Beth on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 10:01pm.

Positive Psychology

Instructor:  Dr Mark Hurst, Winter 2007/08

Student:  Elizabeth Lahren, A00092341


GEMEINSCHAFTSGEFUHL - GESUNDHEIT! Adler had found his empirical and clearly definable solution in gemeinschaftsgefuhl - people drove towards healthy social interaction. He defined gemeinschaftsgefuhl in german alone - so English translations are difficult. However, we can recognize this concept as: a profound caring about others
a positive feeling towards others
the desire to improve the world
healthy social interaction

Elevator Ride

Lynn's picture
Submitted by Lynn on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:39pm.
Goin’up; 1)  I reflect on how wonderfully peaceful my life is today as compared to 18 months ago. I sit in my home by myself enjoying my surroundings, knowing I am in complete control of my world. I know I have the power to remove anything or anyone who interferes with my well being.   2)  I do all the things I was told I could not do, for whatever reason???? Last week I moved a cord of firewood and made room for another some friends delivered. Then I learned how to split it…I only had one moment of concern (for me and my friend I called for technical advice)…”what does it mean when the splitting mall bounces off the round?”  My friends are always eager to come to rescue me, but I made it clear I needed to do this for me.

Doing the yo-yo. Goin' Up and Goin' down.

Beth's picture
Submitted by Beth on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 3:55pm.

Positive Psychology

Instructor:  Dr Mark Hurst, Winter 2007/08

Student:  Elizabeth Lahren, A00092341



Strategies for lifting my mood/increasing positive emotions.

 I’m a country gal.  I’ve lived on a farm for most of my life, so my mood lifting strategies mostly deal with animals and improving their lives.  This would include getting the wheelbarrow and pitchfork, shovel, and the hose.  When younger, there were always the stalls and cow barn to clean out.  Seeing a job well done, the animals in a clean environment, always made me feel really, really good.  Besides, if I didn’t clean up after the animals, I had to walk through it to get to my chores.  Cleaning was a good thing.Now that I’m an adult I only have a kitty and two horses.  So to lift my spirits I will spend time with the kitty, brush him out and play with him.  There’s something about that deep purr from way down in him somewhere, knowing that he has pleasure, that gives me a sense of pleasure also.The horses are a huge lift for me.  One horse is a giant fellow with a heart murmur.  I have had him for fifteen years.  He can’t enjoy the activities of my life as before.  We can’t go riding together, get lost in the woods, splash in the waves, or just enjoy a full blown gallop together.  However, brushing him out, his huge black long mane, and his beautiful tail, always gives me extreme pleasure.  He leans into the brush as it glides over his monstrous body and that in return gives me pleasure and a sense of satisfaction.  Nothing else, and no one, exists at that time.

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