Chelsea H's picture
Submitted by Chelsea H on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 5:22pm.

Delwin it was so wonderful to read your letter (especially because I know Dennis and what a great man he is). When you sit down to think of who to write this letter to... isn't it interesting that you don't necessarily think of people who did nice things for you like help you move into a new house, baby-sit your kids, or wash your car... You immediatly think of people who have done simple but triumphant things like believe in you, have confidence in you, or just be there as a source of guidance. It inspires me to make myself available to be there for someone in the same way... sometimes that is all people need is to know that someone believes in them.

I also got a lot out of this assignment and do not plan to have this be my last letter because what a great gift it is for not only the person writing it but for the person recieving it. Thanks for sharing.


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