Submitted by susan w on Tue, 03/04/2008 - 8:45pm.

Susan L. Wagaman

I could relate to your beautiful day since I too just tried to make my "normal" day better by concentrating on the beauty of it and trying to make it more meaningful.  Although, I really do think that treating myself to my version of a "beautiful day" would be a nice goal.  Maybe I wouldn't see any difference.  I like your idea of keeping a journal and writing down how you could change something in your day to make it better. 

I also agree that forgiveness can be so hard.  Sue Marie responded that if we don't practice forgiveness towards others we hurt ourselves more.  I totally agree.  In the last few years I have had to forgive some pretty big things.  I held on to the hurt for a while and then realized I had to let it go or it would make me bitter and angry...not at all the type of person I want to be.  It was also making me see the world in a more negatiave light.  Once I chose to forgive it was such a release.  Each time I do it it gets easier.  Sue Marie wrote about the Tibetians.  I also see this in Jesus, in the bible, where even on the cross he asked God to forgive those who were crucifiying him."because they know not what they are doing".  Maybe this is the key...those that hurt us many times don't really understand the severity of their actions or the destruction they are causing.  When we see a little of what they may be going through or understand where they came from it can be easier to forgive even if we don't excuse their actions.  I like to think that when we forgive we can also make something good out of something bad.  Forgiveness is probably just one of those things that we need to be concsious of and "make" ourselves do at times.


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