Submitted by Adam on Wed, 03/05/2008 - 12:26pm.

Hi Jill, 

In reading your response to the Beautiful Day project, I am tuning into the fact that you have a very resilient nature.  Resilience in the sense that you are able to go with the flow, adapt your attitude to the circumstances and enjoy your life for it.   One of the things that I admire about you hav lead a very routine life for the last five years, and yet you are able to find a lot of satisfaction in that.  This has never been a strong suit for me, I am by nature a fairly restless wanderer, intent on seeing and doing it all.  But in recent times I have found that I need to learn how to find the joy in routine as well, in order to come into greater internal balance.   

I really enjoy your presence in the class.  You have a very positive vibration about you.  See you Friday.



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