Sandy's picture
Submitted by Sandy on Sun, 01/27/2008 - 6:43pm.


Way to go in not listening to negative people and following your own intuitions!  Your aunt needs some lessons in Positive Psychology and about abusive relationships!  What would she rather have you do than learning and getting out in the world and building a better life for yourself - sit on your butt and be miserable?  Where's the love in that?  It's never too late to go out and live life.  Because you have chosen the difficult path that you can't see down shows how much courage and fortitude you do have.  I have been divorced for a couple of years now, and one person who has made a huge impact on my life is 75year-old Bernice.  She never married, and was such a good example to me of how a woman can take care of herself.  She lives in her own home, gardens and cans, and has a rental, and she travels the world, and says what she thinks.  She also takes care of others who are going through tough times - that's how we initially met.  I appreciate this dear lady so much  I have another 90-year-old friend, Margaret, who lives in her own home, mows her lawn, tap dances, and helps out at the old folks' home.  I want to be like them when I get to their ages.  Thanks to the cool old people in our lives, we see that we still may have many years of living and giving to do.


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