Elevator Ride

Lynn's picture
Submitted by Lynn on Mon, 01/28/2008 - 8:39pm.
Goin’up; 1)  I reflect on how wonderfully peaceful my life is today as compared to 18 months ago. I sit in my home by myself enjoying my surroundings, knowing I am in complete control of my world. I know I have the power to remove anything or anyone who interferes with my well being.   2)  I do all the things I was told I could not do, for whatever reason???? Last week I moved a cord of firewood and made room for another some friends delivered. Then I learned how to split it…I only had one moment of concern (for me and my friend I called for technical advice)…”what does it mean when the splitting mall bounces off the round?”  My friends are always eager to come to rescue me, but I made it clear I needed to do this for me. And I did it. After that I took a long Jacuzzi bath, I think I found heaven. Of course the best thing I do for me is take my dog jack for a walk, he always makes me laugh.  Down please; 3)  I am trying to meditate. This is very difficult for me because I have a hard time turning my mind off when I am sitting still. Most of the time, my meditative efforts turn into waging a war on my thoughts. When bad thoughts flood my mind I tell myself to stop it, stop it. When I make no progress, I turn to happy thoughts from my past. I have worked hard on my PTSD for the last year and I have developed useful tools to help me overcome the trauma. My most effective tool is to recall times with my grandpa and him patting me on the head. Another is to look around, take an inventory of my life and tell myself over and over how blessed I am. This always puts a smile on my face.


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