The Gratitude Letter

Beth's picture
Submitted by Beth on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 8:51am.

Positive Psychology

Instructor:  Dr Mark Hurst, Winter 2007/08

Student:  Elizabeth Lahren, A00092341


The Gratitude Letter

When I was weeding for Shirley yesterday, I attacked one of the biggest dandelion roots I’ve ever seen in my life.  It was the size of a very large carrot.  There was no pulling it out.  My back and shoulders were already screaming profanities at me.  So, I went into the barn and got a big hefty hoe and went to the work of digging the monster out.  The hoe broke.  I picked up both pieces and studied what had happened…then said to myself, “Oh well, Doug can fix it”.

As you know, I’ve been fretting for weeks as to who I would write my gratitude letter to.  I couldn’t think of anyone.  I always thank everyone over and over.  To write someone a letter would seem odd, and I couldn’t think of anyone that I hadn’t thanked enough….until yesterday when the dandelion murdered the hoe.

As I drove to Home Depot to buy another hoe to murder the dandelion with, I marveled at how much I take you for granted.  For 27 years you have fixed everything I use from toasters, washing machines, the roof, the barns, ropes, vehicles, and hoes.  You’ve always taken what I’ve messed up with a, “Don’t worry honey.  I can fix it!”  You used to upset me with that.  I never got anything new!  But, when my cherished things broke, then you became my hero. 

I have never thanked you enough for all the repairs that you’ve made for me for the past 27 years.  We have always worked as a great team.  I broke it, you fixed it.  

Thanks, honey, for fixing everything I have broken.  After digging out the monster dandelion, with much imaginary fan fare, my back feels broke….can you fix it?  Here’s to the next 27 years of repairs!


Result:  We both laughed and Doug said, "Thanks honey!" and we each got a kiss. 

Jeremy H.'s picture
Submitted by Jeremy H. on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 1:56pm.

There's nothing wrong with a handy dandy sugar daddy Beth. We all take things for granted, so don't feel too bad about it. I'm sure Doug was pleased to hear about how much you appreciate him and his "fix-it" attitude. Now if only we could get you to start appreciating your classmates more!  :) 

Jill Story's picture
Submitted by Jill Story on Fri, 02/22/2008 - 6:38am.

Hi Beth,

 What a wonderful gratitude assignment. Isn't is funny how we sometimes forget to tell even the closest people around us how important and dear they are to us. Your statment, you couldn't think of anyone you could do this assignment for because you always thank everyone. But, you were able to do this for your husband of 27 years and make something little into something big. Wonderful!


Submitted by Delwin on Thu, 02/21/2008 - 8:01pm.


How sweet I know how much you love Doug. I am not sure you know this but it rare to have conversation with you that his name does not come up at least once and it is always with a smile. Even though I have only met him once I believe he is just as grateful to have you for his wife. Proving there is no accounting for taste just kidding couldn’t resist. I am sure he really felt honored that you chose him for this assignment. I always enjoy how you express yourself and this was no exception you have the soul of a poet. Thanks for sharing with us a snapshot of your life.
