Fall 2007 Class Schedule

Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/02/2007 - 2:39pm.

Self and Community

Fall 2007

Typical Week in Fall Quarter




Thursday and Friday


9:00 - 3:00 (with breaks)

10:00 - 4:00 (with breaks)

10:00 - 12:30

your choice


lecture, learning summary group

workshop, film, movement

book seminar

independent reading, writing, & researching


Lecture Hall 4

Seminar 2,
E 1107

CRC 116 (3:30-4)

Lab 1, 2033 (Heesoon)

Lab 1, 3033 (Toska)


readings and/or assignments for lecture

readings and/or assignments for workshop

readings and assignments for seminar

aim for 40 hours per week of work (including in-class time)


Weekly Schedule

This is a fluid document that may change to incorporate new opportunities or to enhance learning.  Any changes will be announced in class and will be posted to the web. It is recommended that you check the website once a week.

A note on readings: You will be reading some materials in preparation for lectures and other materials in preparation for seminars and workshops.  Complete the readings well before the day they are listed.

Week One: Introductions; Individuals, Identity, and Culture

Mon, Sept. 24

Tues, Sept. 25

Weds, Sept. 26

AM: introductions, business

PM: identity development

READ today: syllabus and covenant

AM: individuals, identity, and culture

PM: individuals, identity, and culture, con't

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE (a.m.): oral report on research questions listed below

READ:  Dalton et al. ch. 1; Lappe' and Lappe' Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet

DUE: Typed responses to end-of-chapter "brief exercises" 2 and 5 in Dalton ch. 1 (2 pgs total, double-spaced, standard font and margins); copy of signed program covenant signature page

DUE: seminar potluck

oral report on research due Tues, Sept. 25th at 10 a.m.: What were the political, economic, cultural, and global phenomena at the time of your birth?  What was the influence of these conditions on how you were raised and on the values in your family?  (Ask your parents, look at newspapers from that period...)

Week Two: Self in Historical, Social, Cultural, and Global Context

Mon, Oct. 1

Tues, Oct. 2

Weds, Oct. 3

AM: interconnectedness; self in global context

learning summary group meetings begin

PM: family, society, and self

READ: Dalton ch. 7

DUE (a.m.) sign up for research project topic

AM: what are communities?

PM: socialization and identity

3:30-4:00 movement
(CRC 116)

DUE (p.m.): fieldwork assignment

READ:  Dalton chs. 2 and 6; Eichler chs. 1 and 2; Bornstein "Naming All the Parts" (available under "protected readings" on our program website)

DUE: Typed responses to "reflection question" 3 in Eichler ch. 1 and question 1 in Eichler ch. 2 (2 pages total)

Week Three: Belonging

Mon, Oct. 8

Tues, Oct. 9

Weds, Oct. 10

AM: sociological perspectives on the individual in society

learning summary group meetings

PM: intrinsic/extrinsic valuation; impact on health

DUE (p.m.): mapping your social network (280-283 in Dalton)

READ: Dalton ch. 5

AM: research and generalization

PM: guest

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

READ:  Eichler ch. 6; Johnson Privilege, Power, and Difference

DUE: seminar assignment on Johnson (2-3 pages total; see below)

Seminar assignment on Johnson: Construct your own "diversity wheel" using Johnson pg. 15 as a model.  How do these factors define and influence your own communities?  Using specific examples, apply the concepts of "paths of least resistance" and "getting off the hook" to your own experiences with marginalization and oppression.  Using text references from ch. 9, discuss concrete strategies you can use within your own communities to work toward social justice.

Week Four: How can I have a positive impact on my community and society?

Mon, Oct. 15

Tues, Oct. 16

Weds, Oct. 17

AM: social change

learning summary group meetings

PM: social projection, thinking styles; personal inventory

AM: researching social justice; developing your service learning plans

PM: Drupal workshop (Academic Computing in Library)

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE (a.m.): 1-page summary of research findings for faculty and all group members; annotated bibliography for faculty

READ: Eichler ch. 5; Gladwell The Tipping Point

DUE: Seminar paper on Gladwell (1 page, see below).

Seminar assignment on Gladwell: How will you apply what you've learned from The Tipping Point to your Winter service learning work?  Be specific about what you've learned, use specific examples of how you'll apply this learning, and use page citations throughout your discussion.

Week Five: Understanding Poverty in our Community

Mon, Oct. 22

Tues, Oct. 23

Weds, Oct. 24

AM: poverty and homelessness

PM: poverty and homelessness, con't

DUE (a.m.): fieldwork assignment

panel of guests from organizations that address social problems related to poverty and homelessness

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

READ: Dalton ch. 8; Eichler ch. 3; Liebow Tell Them Who I Am

DUE: 3 text-based discussion questions from Liebow (see program web page for instructions on how to write discussion questions)

DUE:  Learning summary process paper #1

Week Six: Understanding Violence, Crime, and Juvenile Justice

Mon, Oct. 29

Tues, Oct. 30

Weds, Oct. 31

AM: violence, crime, and juvenile justice

PM: psychological impact of violence

DUE to learning summary group: complete draft of research paper (for each member)

AM: panel of guests from organizations that address social problems related to violence, crime, and/or juvenile justice

PM: Lori Nesmith and gang specialist from Green Hill School

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE to learning summary group: feedback on research papers (feedback form and paper edits)

READ: Dalton chs. 9 and 10; Ayers A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court

DUE: Typed responses to Dalton ch. 9 exercise 4 (2 pages total; choose an issue that is relevant to this week's topic)

Week Seven: Sexual and Gender Health in the Community

Mon, Nov. 5

Tues, Nov. 6

Weds, Nov. 7

AM: gender, sexuality, reproduction, violence

PM: socialization and sexism

panel of guests from organizations that address social problems related to sexuality, gender, reproduction, and/or related violence

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

READ: Solinger Pregnancy and Power

DUE: 3 text-based discussion questions on Solinger

Week Eight: Becoming an Informed Human Services Worker

Mon, Nov. 12

Tues, Nov. 13

Weds, Nov. 14

AM: workshop on internship contracts

PM: team presentation planning

DUE (a.m.): independent research assignment (bring copies for entire group and for faculty); annotated bibliography, all previous drafts, and peer feedback forms due to faculty

in-class group work on peer teaching/presentation assignment

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE (a.m.): proposals for winter internship/volunteer activity

team conferences with faculty

Thanksgiving break week  Nov. 19-23 ---  Have a great break!

Week Nine: Becoming an Informed Human Services Worker, continued

Mon, Nov. 26

Tues, Nov. 27

Weds, Nov. 28

AM: boundaries and ethics for volunteer work and internships; Craig Apperson: safety at the internship/volunteer site

PM: team presentations (includes fact sheet)

team presentations (includes fact sheet)

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE (a.m.): near-final draft of internship contract or proposal for volunteer work

READ: Dalton chs. 11 and 13; Eichler chs. 7 through 13

DUE: Typed responses to Dalton ch. 13 exercise 1 (2 pages total)

DUE: Learning summary process paper #2

Week Ten: Conclusions, Finalizing your Preparations

Mon, Dec. 3

Tues, Dec. 4

Weds, Dec. 5

team presentations (includes fact sheet)

DUE (p.m.): final draft of internship contract or proposal for volunteer work (includes all necessary signatures)

AM: team presentations (includes fact sheet)

PM: looking back and looking forward

3:30-4:00 movement (CRC 116)

DUE: team evaluations

program potluck

DUE: program portfolio, self-evaluation

Evaluation Week: December 10 - 14 

Do not make plans to leave campus before December 14th, which is the end of the quarter. Evaluation conferences will be scheduled with your seminar faculty member.