Welcome to the Ireland program of 2009-2010! This program comprises a study of Ireland through history, songs, poetry, Gaelic language, stories, instrumental music, film, drama, and literature. By focusing on history, pre- and early Christian nature-based spirituality and expressive culture early in fall quarter, we will set the stage for understanding Irish reactions to colonialism, the Famine, and the social upheavals taking place at the turn of the 20th century. Winter quarter will include Irish America, the EU, and modern struggles for Irish identity. In spring we travel to Ireland, ending with writing a significant essay combining the theory of Ireland with the practice of experiencing Ireland. The first day of fall quarter is Monday, September 28 (ending December 10), and the first day of winter quarter is Monday, January 4 (ending March 11). Please note that the program will not be accepting any new students in winter or spring quarter. Also, Irish Studies at The Evergreen State College has a Facebook page! Join us!