The Herring Song
There was an old man who came from Kinsale
Sing abair linn, sing abair linn
He had a herring, a herring for sale
Sing abair linn, sing abair linn
Sing man from Kinsale, sing herring for sale
Sing abair linn, sing abair linn
And indeed I have more of my herring to sing
Sing abair linn, sing abair linn
What do you think we made of his back?
The finest fellow whose name it was Jack
Sing herring, sing back, sing back, sing Jack
And indeed I have more of my herring to sing.
What do you think we made of his belly?
A fine girl, whose name it was Nelly
Sing herring, sing belly, sing belly, sing Nelly
And indeed I have more of my herring to sing.
What do you think we made of his bones?
The finest chisel that ever cut stone
Sing herring, sing bone, sing bone, sing stone
And indeed I have more of my herring to sing.
What do you think we made of his tail?
The finest ship that ever set sail
Sing herring, sing tail, sing tail, sing sail
And indeed I have more of my herring to sing.
[abair linn=go on with our story]